14-11-2004 16:03:19
Hey. har et Epox 8RDA+ og en Xp1700+ JIUHB men jeg kan ikke få noget frem på skærmen, og på motherboardet er der en lille statusindikator der siger C1 og i manualen betyder det at der er problemer med ram, jeg har så prøvet med 3 forskellige slags ram (A-data PC4000 1x Hynix PC2100 og 1x Elixir Pc2100) men intet virker. Nogen der har en idé til hvad jeg skal gøre eller gør forkert?
Fandt det her på google:
WARNING: DDR Timing Issues
While testing the 8RDA and 8RDA+, I have discovered that both boards have a DDR memory timing issue. The problem is when you first pull the board out of the box, or reset the bios settings, the default DDR timings are extremely high and are not compatible with memory such as Low Latency XMS memory from Corsair or Enhanced Latency memory from OCZ. This issue can be easily changed with a bios update to make the default memory timing a little lower so that it is compatible with both high and low latency DDR memory. Until EPoX comes out with a newer bios update that addresses this issue, the only way around it is to use a generic stick or high latency DDR memory on first boot. You simply change the memory timings and CAS Latency to a setting that is compatible with your particular memory, shut down, remove the generic memory, install your high performance memory, and then boot. This can be an extremely big pain in the back side when overclocking because many times you have to clear the bios settings when your overclocking setting fail. Anyway, I just hope EPoX takes notice of this issue and releases a new bios update ASAP.
Although this is not a serious issue once you are aware of it and don't mind swapping out memory to get the machine to boot up for the first time. Nevertheless, this problem is very annoying and I know of several people who have RMAed this board because of this issue.