Snip: "I will let it be up to the reader to make up their mind about this mouse. I've given the info, effective DPI said to be around 1496DPI, pixelskipping free PPI in all directions around 800, with windows drivers. What it actually is, we don't know for sure. Untill Agilent shows their datasheet for the A3070 sensor, or at least make a statement about it. If the sensor or the mouse IS actually capable of true 1600DPI, there has to be problems with the hardware. But no matter how you look on it, it doesn't do 1600DPI flawless at this moment. But the mouse doesn't have negative or positive acceleration, nor does it skip moving it as fast as you possibly can,nor will it freeze up. It suits for low and high sens, and for right and left handed gamers. It's still the best mouse out there, concerning reflexes/responsetime and tracking."
Jeg ved godt at der er delte meninger herinde om de 500hz og 1000hz tweaks RaZiel nævner i review'et, men de af jer der skulle være interesseret i at læse mere om dem kan gøre det her: