Platform - religion

Diverse d.  09. december. 2004, skrevet af System
Vist: 91 gange.

09-12-2004 23:12:51
Computer platforms compared to religion.

- Intel
Christianity, the largest group of users, quiet moderate and down to earth. Has a lot of power, but are not showing it until it is necessary. They want to be friend with everybody, but their efforts to do so, is not always making everybody happy.

Muslims, not quite as many users as Intel, but the second largest group of users. Highly religious and primitive group, likely to run around the town yelling out loud, that they are the best and Islam is the only right way to go. Some would even go to the length of blowing themselves up, just to make their point.

- Mac
Jews, small group of high class users, not wanting to be mixed, with other groups of people. Even if nobody ever tried they all know that, if the ever placed their Macs on water it wouldn't sink.

- Sun
Buddhists. Users do not make a lot of display, but the group is, even if nobody really knows, actually quite big. The group does not have a lot of power, but individuals can get to a higher order of mentality, and perform some incredible bursts of power. Some Buddhist monks are even said to make hovering in the air possible, only by the power of their mind. The Buddhist can live to an extremely high age, and when eventually dying, they believe they will live again another day.

- Cyrix, Geode and other low power platforms.
Hindus, not the most powerful group of people in the world, there is numerous ways of Hinduism, and is very difficult to get an overview of the entire form of religion. It can be difficult to spot out a Hindu on the street, but when home, they practice their religion to a great extent.

09-12-2004 23:16:43
Uanset hvordan denne tråd er tænkt deaktiverer jeg den af et par simple årsager:

1: Jeg er kristen, og bryder mig ikke om at der gøres grin med hverken min religion eller andre religion.

2: Jeg er belæst, og kan ikke stille mig overtåls med hvad der står ovenfor.

3: Hvad end "Jesus Krist's" grund måtte være, så den fordomsfuld og langt fra sagligt opstillet. Det er langt fra fakta og nærmere blasfemisk!

4: Jeg finder den LANGTFRA morsom!

09-12-2004 23:19:18
Havde du ikke deaktiveret den, så havde jeg.

Den er ikke morsom.

Det støder folk - en ting der ikke er tilladt her i forummet.

Og det strider imod AL sund fornuft at gøre hardware til en religion. Hardware er et spørgsmål om tal kontra andre større / mindre tal - intet andet.