Hvilket Bundkort til P4550?

Bundkort / CPU d.  17. januar. 2005, skrevet af mxee
Vist: 357 gange.

17-01-2005 20:14:59
Jeg har kigget på følgende:

DFI Lanparty 875P-T
Abit AS8

Hvad vil i vælge?

I starten vil jeg gerne have DFIen men så så jeg denne artikel:

The premier enthusiast website, www.hardocp.com investigated this issue and has written a report on Prescott support. He begins by asking the question of 2004: "Am I going to be able to run a Prescott CPU on my current i875P or i865PE mainboard?" And the answer," Some of you will and some of you won't." According to HardOCP, on Prescott-ready motherboards, "It is our thought, after talking with engineers that have widely tested their own boards and their competitions' boards, that i875P and i865PE boards from Tier 1 retail manufacturers like ABIT, Asus, Gigabyte, and MSI are going to be overall safe choices for Prescott upgrades." That leads to the next question of which motherboards are in danger of not being Prescott-ready? HardOCP states," Tier 2 retail mainboard builders and lower. Here we are talking about the likes of AOpen, Albatron, Chaintech, DFI, EPoX, Iwill, Shuttle, Soltek, and Soyo, as well as a few that we have not mentioned. From what we have been told, when stress testing many of these boards stability problems do turn up. "Why are Tier 1 makers like ABIT Prescott-ready, while Tier 2 makers are not? HardOCP answers that again, saying, "When it comes to competing and making money, many of the Tier 2 and lower mainboard companies have been saving that rumored $1 to $5 that would have made their mainboards Prescott worthy. It will be interesting to see how many of these companies come forth and proclaim that their mainboards meet Prescott CPU power needs."

ABIT prepared for Prescott during the design phase of all ABIT 865PE and 875P-based motherboards more than a year ago. Scott Thirlwell, Marketing Director of ABIT Computer proclaimed, "As a design partner of Intel, ABIT was able to design in support for future CPUs into our IS7 Series, IC7 Series and AI7 motherboards. Our motherboards follow the VRM 10.0 and FMB 1.5 Guidelines. With ABIT's 4-phase power onboard and a strengthened PWM design, ABIT users of the IS7 Series, IC7 Series and AI7 are able to use current Northwood core Pentium 4s as well as Prescott CPUs."

To conclude, if you are in the market for an 865PE-based or 875P-based ATX motherboard, ABIT motherboards will ensure you are able to upgrade to the power of Prescott. To update to the latest ABIT BIOS, go to the ABIT website and use ABIT's own FlashMenu for 1 click BIOS updating.

For more information on HardOCPs testing, go to: http://www.hardocp.com/article...

Undskyld jeg spør så meget

18-01-2005 07:38:42
Ikk nogen?? :o

18-01-2005 08:09:58
# 0...hvor gammel er de oplysninger...?

alle de mobos du nævner understøtter prescot....da de er lavet til den nye socket 775...

DFI kortet er det bedste......slår de andre med flere længder...

jeg har haft begge 2...dog ikke så længe....jeg kan kun sige at AS8 kan have en del fejl......

jeg ville gå efter DFI kortet...!!