Catalyst 5.3 released!

Grafikkort d.  09. marts. 2005, skrevet af DiRtBaG
Vist: 492 gange.

09-03-2005 23:20:23
ATI has released Catalyst 5.3 for your downloading and testing pleasure.

Grab it here

What's new in this driver?

The latest version of OVERDRIVET includes a new 3D test and extra safety checks to ensure the best over-clocking experience - allowing manual over-clocking of both engine and memory while keep the user's graphics card safe from any of the dangers usually associated with over-clocking.


The CATALYSTT Software Suite 5.3 introduces a new feature named eRecord. This feature is the first error logging system used by the ATI multimedia software. The eRecord feature provides a mechanism for software components to output error messages. A new System Messages (Event Viewer) menu has been added to the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER System Tray. This launches the Event Viewer, providing a mechanism for users to view the error messages.

Windows XP Media Center Edition Display Control Panel Extension

The CATALYSTT Software Suite 5.3 introduces enhanced capabilities of the display panel through a Windows Media Center Edition look-alike control panel. The control panel options include:

Display devices. Provides the ability to select preferred display devices such as; TVs, LCDs, or Monitors
Display options. A user controllable option for desktop color, brightness, contrast
OpenGL Version 2.0 Support

The CATALYSTT Software Suite introduces OpenGL Version 2.0 support. This version of OpenGL will be in line with the latest GL ARB approved specifications. New to this specification are GLSL, non-power-of-two-textures, separate stencil, multiple render targets, and point sprites.

What's fixed in this driver?

3DMark2001: A black screen is no longer displayed when launching 3DMark2001 after launching Aquamark3, when the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER is installed. Topic number 737-1140
Code Creatures: Running the benchmark under Windows XP SP2 with an ATI RADEONT 9250 installed, and the desktop display set to either 1600x1200, 1280x1024, or 1024x768 no longer results in the ground textures appearing corrupted. Topic number 737-10108
Pacific Fighters: Playing the game after playing any track for a short period of time and having the landscape detail set to perfect no longer results in the clouds becoming blocking when flying. Topic number 737-209
Thief Deadly Shadows: Setting the desktop display to 1024x768 32bpp and setting the Texture Preference to High Performance in the control panel no longer results in corruption being seen at the end of the introduction movie. Topic number 737-10109
Attempting to apply a higher refresh rate to a non-DDC monitor no longer results in the refresh rate reverting to 60hz. Topic number 737-10101
Accessing the Problem Report Wizard option from the ATI icon in the system tray no longer results in Problem Report Wizard not being translated in the supported localized languages. Topic number 737-341
Entering the Video option found in the Graphic Setting tab of the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER no longer results in the side scroll bar being missing for the secondary display device connected to an ATI RADEONT 9800 series under Windows XP. Topic number 737-347
The Welcome tab found in the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER is now completely localized for the Japanese version of Windows XP, or 2000. Topic number 737-351
Using the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER to access the Display Manager no longer results in corruption being seen on top of menu text in the Dutch, French, Spanish, and Portuguese versions of Windows XP. Topic number 737-353
The TV formats now corresponds to the country selected in the TV properties. Topic number 737-1438
Having a CRT and TV connected to the ATI RADEONT X850 series no longer results in the TV image quality page not being grayed out when enable video mode is enabled. Topic number 737-1439
Launching the Hotkey Manager found in the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER no longer results in the Hotkey Manager window not closing when hitting the ESC key. Topic number 737-10097
Using the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER to access the Display Manager no longer results in corruption being seen on top of menu text in the Dutch, French, Spanish, and Portuguese versions of Windows XP
Entering the Video option found in the Graphic Setting tab of the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER no longer results in the side scroll bar being missing for the secondary display device connected to an ATI RADEONT 9800 series under Windows XP
Creating a profile for clone or stretch mode and attempting to change to that mode from an extended desktop mode, no longer results in the task failing to complete. Topic number 737-10098
The Windows desktop and Full-screen video options are no longer missing when clicking the back button found in the Video Wizard of the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER. Topic number 737-10098
The CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER tool bar now displays correctly after applying a new skin and restarting the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER. Topic number737-10098
Defining a custom view in the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER by deselecting the graphic adapter and applying the changes, no longer results in the Advanced view taking on the properties of the defined custom view. Topic number 737-10102
The font size used in the CATALYSTT CONTROL CENTER for the Quicksilver and Steelblue skins have been readjusted in order to be seen clearer. Topic number 737-10103
Enabling Temporal AA no longer results in a noticeable flicker on the display device. Topic number 737-10103
Release notes are available here

Catalyst 5.3 (Driver only) download;
Catalyst 5.3 (Driver + CCC) download;

09-03-2005 23:26:11
Nice.. Hente hente... ;)

10-03-2005 02:19:53
må håbe den er bedre end 5.2 den fik min maskine til at køre sært

10-03-2005 09:50:06
jeg kan ikke hente det.. ?:( .. hva faaen sker der x(

10-03-2005 10:18:18
serveren er vel gået ned pga den store belastning.
den var også sløv igår da jeg hentede driveren

10-03-2005 11:54:45
HAh, har fået den hentet nu, er desværre i skole, så må vente til jeg kommer hjem med at intallerer,
men så har jeg også noget at glæde mig til der... ;)

10-03-2005 19:01:09
Har ikke spiltestet endnu, men ja... 5.2 var lidt underlig :\

Laver lektier... Så spiltester ikke liiige nu ;)
Men tillod højere gfx clock uden artifacts, lidt wierd... :|
AquaMark Score: 89080
Fra de tidligere 88,5k :|

01SE er jeg faldet omkring 800 i... Så er bestemt ikke optimeret der :P

Mvh. 12k

PS: 03 / 05 tester jeg i weekenden..