Java problem

Diverse d.  29. marts. 2005, skrevet af mikkelfrost
Vist: 157 gange.

29-03-2005 15:34:59
har denne opgave men er kørt fast:
The Problem
You are to develop a computer program handling the billing at the Travel agency FIDUS. This agency is known for its group-travels for China. The program must be able to read input from a user, calculate and print out the price pr. person and the total price for a group-travel to Turkey
The agency has to types of travels with fixed prices:

Normal: 1400 DKK Pr. Person
Deluxe: 1900 DKK Pr. Person

Note that the customer will be given a 10% discount on the total price, if the number of participants exceed or equals 10.

If a member of a group has used the travel agency before, the total price for the group will be reduced further as follows:

If 10 or more persons in the group 1000 DDK
If 6 - 9 persons in the group 500 DDK
Else 200 DDK

Somewhere in you program you will need a construction like:

String answer = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Same destination?: ");
if ((answer.equals("yes") || (answer.equals("y")) {

For children there will be a discount of 5%. But children don't count in the other discount rules.
Expand the program so it can differentiate between number of adults and number of children.

You are to create a program, which can handle the billings at FINDUS.
Create two classes a Java GUI Class TravelGUI and a Java class Travel,

Somewhere in you program you will need a construction like:

If (noParticipants >= 10) {


Write the program, compile, run and remember to save the classes..

nogen der kan hjælpe mig ?? det er fint at svare på dansk :)

29-03-2005 16:11:20
må man spørge om hvem der har givet dig den opgave?? :e

29-03-2005 20:05:09
ja da min lære