#16 Ja, du kan ændre multiplieren... Men det ser ud til at det er begrænset... En gut med samme bundkort som dit skriver dette:
On this K7S41GX board, I'm running a Mobile Athlon XP 2500+. The motherboard FSB jumper is set at 166 Mhz, and the BIOS voltage is set at 3% overvoltage. No need to set the multiplier jumpers on the motherboard; unlike with other motherboards that I've used, it automatically detects the maximum 14X multiplier, rather than the minimum 8X.
(If you really want to push things, the BIOS offers an AGP/PCI lock and also FSB settings. You can set the memory frequency, too.)
SiSoft SANDRA benchmarks the CPU at faster than an Athlon XP 3200+, and just slightly slower than a 3 GHz Pentium 4. At idle, SANDRA reports a system temperature of 28C/82.4 F. and the CPU at 39C/102.2F. After running a single iteration of Final Reality, the CPU rises to only 43C/109.4F.
As with other boards with on-chip graphics, you will get better video and CPU performance with an add-in AGP card., and the operating system will have access to the full amount of installed memory, too.