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"The current stage of semiconductor manufacturing technology provides extremely strong yields of memory chips and in order to cut the production cost down some makers of DRAMs sell unmarked and untested devices to a number of module makers, who assemble their products and do not test them afterwards as well.
This is being done mostly by Taiwanese DRAM makers, who are undercutting the tier-1 guys by selling untested and unmarked parts. The untested yield is high enough that Asian houses are putting them straight into modules and selling them. Any fallout is reworked or returned by the customer and replaced. Apparently the net cost under such a business model is still cheaper than testing the integrated circuits (ICs), writes Melanie Hollands, an ITMJ business analyst based in New York City for IT Manager's Journal...."
Og videre:
"Winbond is one Taiwanese chip company rumored to be producing a relatively small quantity of UTT chips. But chatter in the industry suggests that Winbond may increase its UTT output to 2 to 3 million 256Mbit-equivalent units over the next few months. Winbond's UTT chips are not labeled with the Winbond logo, Ms Hollands notes..."
Læg mærke til, at Winbond nævnes som en af flere chips producenter, der sender UTT chips på markedet...