Du tager fejl. Producenten GØR opmærksom på det, du skal bare lige smutte ind på deres side, klikke på VGA Coolers, vælge NV Silencer 5 rev. 2, klikke på compatibility og læse følgende:
"We use ATIs respectively NVIDIAs standard power plugs. Asus is unfortunately not following ATIs/NVIDIAs solutions and therefore our plug doesn't fit. You can either cut both plugs and connect the wires correspondingly or you can also get 12 Volt power directly from the PSU. There you have to connect the wires as follows: black with black and red (VGA) with yellow (PSU). The yellow cable from the VGA is an RPM signal, that is not needed."
Træls, at din køler ikke passer, men du kan, som det står beskrevet ovenfor, løse dit problem relativt nemt :i