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Hyggehjørnet d.  06. februar. 2006, skrevet af Martin.v.R
Vist: 328 gange.

06-02-2006 18:04:59
The AACM team recently interviewed ATI's very own "TeamATi". Malice, a long time member of the team,
answers some interesting questions about his America's Army experience in this exclusive interview.

Many people have been wondering what it's like to play online games in the team which is sponsored by well-known company like ATI.

Read couple questions below and click this link to read the full interview!

Q. Why does ATI feel it is important to sponsor an online gaming team?
A. The reason any company sponsors anything or anyone is for exposure. The real interesting question is why they chose to sponsor this team.
We are totally different in the fact that we are not some Super Uber Elite team who's only goal is to be #1 on every ladder or league.

Q. Is there any pressure in being a representitive of ATI?
A. TeamATi plays games online and at LAN parties. We give away ATI video cards in fun ways. We host a website to show some ATI news,
let people know what we're up to and to give people a fun place to hang out. The only pressure we get comes from ourselves as we are always trying to do new things.
For instance, we are working on a section of the website where people can take an online course.
They will learn about the Catalyst Control Center; how to use it, what anisotropic filtering does, etc.
When they complete the course with a high enough score ATI has agree to accelerate those people through the ATI driver beta tester waiting list.
What a cool way to get the best ATI has before anyone else and learn some great information at the same time. No other team does that!

07-02-2006 10:07:42
fedt initiativ imo, få 'respekterede' firmaer ind i online gaming som en mere eller mindre seriøs ting - men stadig en ikke "VI ER ELITE OG SERIØSE" - men som en hobby :)