Catalyst 6.3 released

Litteratur d.  09. marts. 2006, skrevet af Illuminati
Vist: 746 gange.

09-03-2006 22:49:46
Kommentar til nyhed på:
09-03-2006 23:30:28
qoh , det var ikke så lidt bugs der var hvad? godt de har styre på det .

09-03-2006 23:49:46
hehe vano, det er fordi der er så mange bugs! så kig denne liste igennem :e

Known Issues for Catalyst® Software Suite 6.3
The following section provides a summary of open issues in the latest version of Catalyst®. These include:

Alias MotionBuilder 6: Loading a model in MB6, followed by rotating the object, may result in shadows appearing corrupt and flickering being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21450
AutoCAD 2005: Using the 3DORBIT command to rotate or zoom may result in the display hanging for a few seconds when having hardware acceleration enabled in AutoCAD and a 3D object in the drawing. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21451
AutoCad 2006: Corruption may be noticed when moving the mouse pointer around the desktop area. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21465
Cold War: Playing the game with the display resolution set to 1600x1200 along with AA set to 8x and CrossFireT enabled may result in a ghosting effect being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21661
Creative Muvo 2: Recording an FM Radio broadcast may result the captured file failing to open when attempting to playback the FM broadcast. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21461
Doom 3: Setting the in-game resolution to 2560x1600 may result in green circles appearing around energy projectiles of demons. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21778
F1 Racing Championship: Playing the game on a system containing an ATI Xpress 200 series may result game not running smoothly. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21774
Flight Simulator 2004: A Century of Flight: The frames per second may be lower when moving the mouse cursor over a chat window during a multiplayer game. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21453
Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle Earth: Playing the game under Windows XP SP2 using an ATI Radeon® X800 series product may result in intermittent display corruption being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21458
Maya 7.0: The Frame Marker located near the bottom of the screen may not be displayed when connecting a secondary CRT and enabling extended desktop. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21777
Neverwinter Nights: Playing the game under Windows XP on a system containing an ATI Radeon® X800 series, may result in the game exiting to the Windows desktop and an error message being displayed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21466
Path of Neo: Texture corruption may be noticed when playing the Kung Fu level. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21464
TVFunStudio: Launching the MediaPlayer and playing a movie may result in frame drops being noticed. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21775
WARHAMMER: DAWN OF WAR: Starting a skirmish game on a 4 player map under Windows XP, may result in the game performance appearing choppy when using an ATI Radeon® X800 series, and having all of the game options set to high. Further details can be found in topic number 737-20974
The Apply button in the Custom settings of the Advanced mode, found within the Catalyst® Control Center Video standard settings, is grayed out when playing a media file. Further details can be found in topic number 737-497
Connecting an HDTV to an ATI Radeon® X700 series may result in the HDTV being detected as a CRT or TV under the Windows XP operating system. Further details can be found in topic number 737-20783
The PAL FM fine tuning algorithm is currently using 200 MHz bandwidth which may overlap FM channels resulting in the same FM channel being found several verdana during the scan function. Further details can be found in topic number 737-20979
Launching the Adobe Gamma calibration application and moving the gamma slider back and forth, may result in the Task Manager being filled with cli.exe until the system becomes low on memory. Further details can be found in topic number 737-20980
Connecting two display devices to an ATI Radeon® X1600 series product may result in the device manager failing to detect the secondary display device. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21266
Display corruption may be noticed when returning from a full screen DOS session under Windows XP or Windows 2000 when using an ATI Radeon® X800 series. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21452
Catalyst® Control Center: Enabling clone mode may result in the refresh rate being locked at 60Hz when using an ATI Radeon® X700 series product. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21454
Display corruption may be noticed when configuring the DTV channel to 1080i broadcast when using an ATI HDTV Wonder. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21455
The LG P42SX DVI-D display device fails to display an image when connected to an ATI Radeon® 9000, ATI Radeon® 9200, or an ATI Radeon® 9250. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21456
OpenGL Extension Viewer: 2.0: Running the Rendering tests may result in a black box appearing when the fog option is enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21457
Connecting an HDTV as the secondary display device and enabling Theater mode may result in HDTV failing to display an image when attempting to playback a movie with extended desktop mode enabled. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21460
The IBM T84H display device may fail to display an image when connected to the DVI connector on the ATI Radeon® X800 or X850 series. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21462
Attempting to re-enable any display device other than the primary or secondary display device that has been disabled by CrossFireT, may result in the operating system failing to respond. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21663
Connecting a display device to the DVI connector on systems containing an ATI Xpress 200 series may result in the display device failing to respond when attempting to resume from an S3 state. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21772
Entering hibernation mode and disabling a secondary display device may result in the extended desktop option still being active when resuming from hibernation. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21773
Connecting both a CRT and a TV, followed by enabling extended desktop may result in the Underscan/Overscan slider bar overlapping the Screen Position and Size heading found in the TV Properties aspect page of the Catalyst® Control Center. This issue may occur when the CRT is set as the primary display device. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21776
The default 1080i 30Hz mode is missing from Advanced aspect page in the Catalyst® Control Center. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21779
Connecting an HDTV and selecting all available formats in the CV properties page of the Catalyst® Control Center may result in the custom mode of 1080i failing to be available. Further details can be found in topic number 737-21780

Sorry for mega-post..

10-03-2006 10:47:55
Ja, begge lister er noget af en mundfuld, kan da kun glæde sig over hvor meget der er blevet fikset.

Er i gang med at downloade.

11-03-2006 00:14:09
Sådan er det jo med ATI :) *BUGGzZ* :e

11-03-2006 11:29:19
Er der nogen der ved om den giver bedre performance på X800XL kort i f.eks. BF2. ???


11-03-2006 11:53:20
Har ikke prøvet at spille, men tror ikke at det giver meget på mit system, bliver nok snart nød til at skrotte min XP2400+, den kan sku snart ikke følge med længere.

14-03-2006 20:39:49
Ved godt, at det intet med selve artiklen at gøre, men det billede, der er brugt til artiklen, hvor teksten er "Paris Hilton med rødt hår" .. er altså ikke et billede af Paris Hilton. Det er ATI's digitale "superheltinde" ved navn Ruby ...