Prøv du at få en Thunderbird op på 4800mhz :). Hehe
Jeg tror det er en skrøne - i hvert fald er den forklaring på nuværende tidspunkt ubrugelig..
I bund og grund er processorernes "Rating" blot produktnavne, som man ikke kan sammenligne på tværs af mærker - efter min mening.
Altså er man nød til at læse tests, hvor de forskellige CPUer bliver sat op imod hinanden.
Men groft sagt, vil jeg mene at athlon64 yder 150-160% pr. clockslag i forhold til pentium4 processorerne..
I så fald vil a64@ 2.2ghz = p4 3,4-3,5ghz. Men det passer som sagt ikke helt :)
AMD lavede den i sin tid, for at kunderne kunne samligne med INTELs tilsvarende produkter.
<i>"<b>Q: What is the P-rating?</b>
A: The P-rating is a performance measurement for the processor using the industry standard Winstone 96 benchmark. If an AMD-K5 processor has a rating of "PR100" that means that the processor would offer you performance equal to or greater than a <b>Pentium at that P-rating</b>. For example, if you have a AMD-K5-PR133, it would give you the performance level of a Pentium 133MHz processor. However, the "PR" rating is not an indication of clock frequency.
<b>Q: What does the 3200+ model mean?</b>
A: This is a model number. AMD identifies the AMD Athlon XP processor using model numbers, as opposed to megahertz. Model numbers are designed to communicate the relative application performance among the various AMD Athlon XP processors. As additional evidence that performance is not based on megahertz alone: the AMD Athlon XP processor 3200+ operates at a frequency of 2.2GHz yet can outperform an Intel Pentium® 4 processor operating at 3.0GHz with an 800 FSB and HyperThreading on a broad array of real-world applications for office productivity, digital media and 3-D gaming. "</i>