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Hyggehjørnet d.  10. august. 2006, skrevet af Illuminati
Vist: 657 gange.

10-08-2006 00:07:40
Her er lidt at more sig over:

10-08-2006 00:54:06
:D de er skam sjove nogle af dem

10-08-2006 01:16:46
haha, håber virkelig det var intentionen at de skulle være sjove, idet mange af dem ikke heeeeeelt passer ind i sammenhængen :p

Welcome to the First Cumming Methodist Church. Their website is :e :e :e

10-08-2006 01:41:11
Grinern! Jeg holder på ! :p

10-08-2006 06:48:10
FFS!!! - jeg var færdig! :e :e :e
Underside til ovenstående link. :e

Smiling is not a feature of Wife 1.0

Note from Independent Sources: We know the following kicks around the net and we seem to receive it every six months or so. But we love it each time that we read it AND we're feeling lazy today. As a bonus, this particular version is particularly well-written .

Last year a friend of mine upgraded from GirlFriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0 and found that it's a memory hog leaving very little system resources available for other applications. He is now noticing that Wife 1.0 is also spawning Child Processes which are further consuming valuable resources. No mention of this particular phenomena was included in the product brochure or the documentation, though other users have informed him that this is to be expected due to the nature of the application.

Not only that, Wife 1.0 installs itself such that it is always launched at system initialization, where it can monitor all other system activity. He's finding that some applications such as PokerNight 10.3, BeerBash 2.5, and PubNight 7.0 are no longer able to run in the system at all, crashing the system when selected (even though they always worked fine before). During installation, Wife 1.0 provides no option as to the installation of undesired Plug-Ins such as MotherInLaw 55.8 and BrotherInLaw Beta release. Also, system performance seems to diminish with each passing day.

Some features he'd like to see in the upcoming wife 2.0.

1. a "Don't remind me again" button
2. a Minimize button
3. An install shield feature that allows Wife 2.0 be installed with the option to uninstall at any time without the loss of cache and other system resources
4. An option to run the network driver in promiscuous mode which would allow the system's hardware probe feature to be much more useful.
I myself decided to avoid the headaches associated with Wife 1.0 by sticking with Girlfriend 7.0. Even here, however, I found many problems. Apparently you cannot install Girlfriend 7.0 on top of Girlfriend 6.0. You must uninstall Girlfriend 6.0 first. Other users say this is a long standing bug that I should have known about. Apparently the versions of Girlfriend have conflicts over shared use of the I/O port. You think they would have fixed such a stupid bug by now. To make matters worse, The uninstall program for Girlfriend 6.0 doesn't work very well leaving undesirable traces of the application in the system. Another thing - all versions of Girlfriend continually popup little annoying messages about the advantages of upgrading to Wife 1.0.

Bug Warning

Wife 1.0 has an undocumented bug. If you try to install Mistress 1.1 before uninstalling Wife 1.0, Wife 1.0 will delete MSMoney files before doing the uninstall itself. Then Mistress 1.1 will refuse to install, claiming insufficient resources.

Bug work-arounds: To avoid this bug, try installing Mistress 1.1 on a different system and never run any file transfer applications such as Laplink 6.0. Also, beware of similar shareware applications that have been known to carry viruses that may affect Wife 1.0. Another solution would be to run Mistress 1.1 via a UseNet provider under an anonymous name. Here again, beware of the viruses which can accidentally be downloaded from the UseNet.

Tech Support Suggestions

These are very common problem men complain about, but is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from Girlfriend 6.0 to Wife 1.0 with the idea that Wife 1.0 is merely a Utilities & Entertainment program. Wife 1.0 is indeed an operating system and designed by its creator to run everything.

It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0 and still convert back to Girlfriend 6.0. Hidden operating files within your system would cause Girlfriend 6.0 to emulate Wife 1.0 so nothing is gained. It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to Girlfriend 6.0 because Wife 1.0 is not designed to do this.

Some have tried to install Girlfriend 7.0 or Wife 2.0 but end up with more problems than the original system. Look in your manual under "Warnings - Alimony/Child support". I recommend you keep Wife 1.0 and deal with the situation.

I suggest installing background application program C:\YES DEAR to alleviate software augmentation. Having installed Wife 1.0 myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPFs). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur, regardless of their cause. The best course of action will be to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE. In any case avoid excessive use of C:\YES DEAR because ultimately you may have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the operating system will return to normal. The system will run smoothly as long as you take the blame for all the GPFs.

Wife 1.0 is a great program, but very high-maintenance. Consider buying additional software to improve the performance of Wife 1.0. I recommend Flowers 3.1 and Diamonds 2K. Do not, under any circumstances, install Secretary with Short Skirt 3.3. This is not a supported application for Wife 1.0 and is likely to cause irreversible damage to the operating system.

Best of Luck,

Tech Support

10-08-2006 10:58:57
#4, den er ret gammel :e men stadig sjov.

13-08-2006 20:33:14

Jeg har den danske version.. den er nu også meget god :e

14-08-2006 21:31:55
#6 LINK!!!!!


14-08-2006 21:41:50
#7, det er vist en mail. :e

14-08-2006 22:27:07
post pleeeeeeeeeease :e :e :e :e :p :p

14-08-2006 22:30:26
Her kommer den


Sidste år opgraderede jeg fra Kæreste 7.0 til Kone 1.0 og bemærkede, at det nye program straks begyndte at kræve, at jeg installerede Børn 1.1, 1.2 og 1.3.

Det tog en masse tid og brugte en masse ressourcer.

Det stod der ikke noget om i produktspecifikationen for programmet.

Oven i købet installerede Kone 1.0 sig selv i alle andre programmer og dukker straks op, når jeg starter computeren - og det overvåger alle mine aktiviteter. Gamle programmer såsom Pokeraften 10.3, Drukfest 2.5 og Søndagsfodbold 5.0 virker ikke mere.

Når jeg prøver at køre dem får jeg beskeden: "Du har begået en ulovlig handling. Luk straks alle programmer der ikke understøttes af Kone 1.0".

Det er umuligt for mig at holde Kone 1.0 i baggrunden, mens jeg forsøger at bruge nogle af mine yndlingsprogrammer. Jeg overvejer at gå tilbage til Kæreste 7.0, men jeg kan ikke engang afinstallere Kone 1.0.

Kan I hjælpe mig?

På forhånd tak

Den forvirrede og frustrerede bruger


Kære forvirret og frustreret

Dit problem er meget almindeligt, og mange klager over det samme.

Problemet skyldes hovedsagligt en misforståelse.

Der er mange mænd, der opgraderer fra Kæreste 7.0 til Kone 1.0, fordi de tror, at Kone 1.0 hovedsagligt er et nytte- og underholdningsprogram.

Der tager de fleste fejl!

Kone 1.0 er et styresystem, der er designet til at styre alt.

Det er umuligt at fjerne Kone 1.0 for at vende tilbage til Kæreste 7.0, når Kone 1.0 først er installeret.

Nogle har prøvet at installere Kæreste 8.0 eller Kone 2.0, men de endte med at have flere problemer end de før havde med Kone 1.0.

Vi anbefaler at du beholder Kone 1.0 og får det bedste ud af situationen.

Du kan eventuelt læse hele kapitel 6 i din manual "Almindelige Programfejl".

Systemet vil køre helt perfekt, så længe du tager hele ansvaret for alle almindelige programfejl, lige meget hvad de skyldes.

Det bedste du kan gøre er straks at skrive: \\UNDSKYLD
, før styresystemet vender tilbage til normal.

Kone 1.0 er et storartet program, men det kræver en høj grad af vedligeholdelse.

Du kan overveje at købe mere software for at forbedre ydeevnen.

Vi anbefaler Blomster 2.1, Chokolade 5.0 eller i ekstreme tilfælde softwarepakken Pels 2002.

Men du må under ingen omstændigheder installere Veninde Miniskørt 3.3.

Dette program understøttes ikke af Kone 1.0 og vil resultere i, at Kone 1.0 afinstallerer sig selv og samtidig fjerner ca. 50 % af systemressourcerne.

Veninde i Miniskørt 3.3 er i øvrigt et program, der kræver store
systemressourcer og vil derfor ikke kunne køres med den begrænsede kapacitet der er tilbage, efter Kone 1.0 har afinstalleret sig selv.

Med venlig hilsen
