Jeg får en E6600 ind ad døren, som skal overclockes heavily :) 3,5-3,8Ghz på et ASUS P5B Deluxe
Jeg regner med at bruge 2000kr på 2x1GB ddr2 ram, hvilke skal man tag?
.. og en ny Seasonic PSU: Sea Sonic M12-700 eller Sea Sonic M12-600. Ifølge Seasonic er der 4 12v rails ->
Men i et review af Sea Sonic M12-700 skriver de følgende:
"Now on the previous page, you saw that Seasonic advertises this PSU as having four 12V rails. You'll notice in these load tests that I only specify a load on 12V1 and 12V2. This is because I could not find any proof that this PSU had more than two 12V rails; at the most three. And I found that even if there were three 12V rails, there is no OCP (over-current protection) or any circuitry in place that disrupts continuity between the multiple "rails." Kilde:
Er der nogen der kan forklare hvorfor Seasonic siger der er 4, når der kun er 2 ?