SN27P2 Sofware problemer !

Software d.  05. december. 2006, skrevet af Drake-TS
Vist: 244 gange.

05-12-2006 16:48:49
Hey alle sammen, jeg har endelig faaet min Shuttle ind af dooren.

Haaber i kan baare over med mig, naar jeg copy/paste fra shuttle forumet, har lidt travlt og engelsk keyboard.

Hi all ! I finally got my SN27P2, it seems to be working great so far, except for a few things. Dont know if its me who is doing something wrong, probely is hehe

I installed windows64 bit ( First time i ever use it ) Then the newest 64bit nforce drivers and graffics drivers, sound etc.

But my internet seems to be kinda fucked up. I can only use internet explore ( Want to use firefox ) and i cant log on Live msn, Utorrent aint working either. Well its working, but no connection, as with MSN.

XPC tools i cant get to work either and no winflash either.

What am i doing wrong ?

I know you dont need 64bit for all programs to work, atleast i think i dont ?

+4200 Duel Core
+6400 Corsair
YS400gb WD

Dont know if you need my specs, but here they are ! I hope you guys can help me out, otherwise i have to try with 32bit. But would be nicest if i could get 64bit to work probely.

Regards Aksel - Denmark.