"Added workaround for G80 memory clock frequency generation bug of the ForceWare 97.28 and newer drivers. Unfortunately a lot of gamers with GeForce 8800 graphics adapters seem to be unable to understand the principles of multiple hardware clocking and aggressively react on any attempts to explain it. Due to that reason now by default RivaTuner displays memory clock of the only memory clock frequency generator programmed by all versions of the ForceWare drivers. The clocks of the rest two generators, which are erroneously left by the driver in BIOS default 400MHz state, are now hidden from eyes of beginners. The power users still can monitor independent clocks of all 3 memory clock frequency generators on G80 via GPUProbe.dll plugin. And the gamers unable to get technical details may relax and continue "fellas, my new 8800 is so cool" related discussions in the forums."