Så er den her: Apple iPhone

Diverse d.  09. januar. 2007, skrevet af palle prop
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09-01-2007 20:21:10
Stewe Jobs er netop igang med sin hovedtale på dette års MacWorld konference. Under talen har han netop præsenteret den kommende iPhone. Den lyder dælme nice og kan da så absolut give en hver teknikgeek spontan udløsning i bukserne... :e

I får uddraget fra talen råt for usødet her:

The iPhone

"This is a day I've been looking forward to for two and a half years," said Jobs. "Every once in a while a revolutionary product comes along that changes everything."

In 1984, said Jobs, Apple introduced the Macintosh, and changed the computer industry. In 2001, Apple introduced the iPod, and changed the entire music industry.

"Well, today, we're introducing three revolutionary products of this class," said Jobs. "The first one is a widescreen iPod with touch controls. The second is a revolutionary mobile phone. The third is a breakthrough Internet communications device."

"These are not three separate devices," said Jobs. "This is one device. And we are calling it iPhone. Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone."

Jobs explained that smartphones provide phone and e-mail and what he called "the baby Internet. They're not so smart and not so easy to use."

"We don't want to do these," he said. "We want to do a leapfrog product that's way smarter than these phones and much easier to use. So we're going to reinvent the phone."

The iPhone does not use a keyboard, nor does it use a stylus, as many smartphones do today. The device uses new technology called "Multitouch."

"We're going to use the best pointing device in our world," said Jobs. "We're born with 10 of them, our fingers."

Multitouch is far more accurate than any touch display, according to Jobs. It ignores unintended touches, supports multi-fingers gesture. "And boy, have we patented it," he added.

The iPhone runs Mac OS X, said Jobs. "We start with a solid foundation," he explained.

"Why would we run such a sophisticated operating system on a mobile device? It's got everything we need," he said. "It's got multitasking, networking, power management, awesome security and the right apps. It's got all the stuff we want. And it's built right in to iPhone. And has let us create desktop-class applications and networking.

iPhone also synchronizes through iTunes. It syncs media, contact information, calendars, photos, notes, bookmarks, e-mail accounts. "All that stuff can be moved over the iPhone completely automatically," said Jobs.

The iPhone features a 3.5-inch, 160 dot-per-inch color screen. There's a small "Home" button it. It's also remarkably thin -- 11.6 millimeters, thinner than any smartphone out there, according to Jobs.

On one side, the iPhone sports a ring/silent switch, volume up and down controls. On its silver back side is a 2 megapixel digital camera. The bottom features a speaker, microphone and iPod dock connector.

The iPhone also incorporates a proximity sensor that automatically deactivates the screen and turns off the touch sensor when you raise the device to your face. An ambient light sensor will sense lighting conditions and adjust brightness levels accordingly. And an accelerometer can tell when you switch from portrait to landscape mode.

Jobs' demonstration of the iPhone began with iPod-related features. An iPod icon along the bottom of the screen brings up a list of music, and Jobs flicked his finger to scroll up and down. He flipped the iPhone on its side and it reoriented to landscape mode, displaying album art in iTunes' "Cover Flow" mode. Jobs also showed video on the device.

"We want to reinvent the phone," he reiterated. "What's the killer app? The killer app is making calls! It's amazing how hard it is to make calls on phones. We want you to use contacts like never before."

The iPhone can synchronize contacts from a PC or Mac, and features "Visual Voicemail." He described it as "random access voicemail" that lets you navigate directly to the voice messages you're interested in.

iPhone is a quad-band phone that operated on GSM and EDGE networks. That's the most popular international standard, said Jobs, though Apple plans to make 3G phones in the future. It also integrates Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0 connectivity, and will automatically switch from a cell phone data network to Wi-Fi when it gets in range.

Demonstrating the phone's ability to make calls, he touched the screen's phone icon and scrolled through his contact list, pulling up Jonathan Ive, senior vice president of industrial design. Phil Schiller then called Jobs -- visible through call waiting. Jobs pressed a "merge calls" button and then created a three way conference calling.

The iPhone's text messaging interface looks similar to iChat -- user dialogue is encased in bubbles, and a touch keyboard appears below. And the phone's photo management software enables you to use a "pinching" motion to zoom in and out of pictures.

The iPhone's Internet connectivity includes HTML-capable e-mail that works with any IMAP or POP-based e-mail service. Apple has also included its Safari Web browser. Jobs called it the "first fully usable HTML browser on a phone."

The same finger-pinching trick also works with Safari, to zoom in and out of images on Web pages.

Jobs said that Yahoo will offer free "push" e-mail capabilities using IMAP to all Yahoo! Mail users. "When you get a message, it'll push it right out to the phone for you," he said.

The iPhone also supports Dashboard widgets, starting off with weather and stocks.

"This a breakthrough Internet communicator," said Jobs. "It's the Internet in your pocket."

Following Jobs' demonstration of how the iPhone works with Google Maps -- he searched for Starbucks, zoomed in to a location and called, then jokingly ordered 4,000 lattes to go -- Google CEO Eric Schmidt joined him on stage, congratulating Jobs and Apple for the iPhone's introduction.

Schmidt said that the iPhone lets companies like Apple and Google "merge without merging," combining the "brain trust" of Apple's development team and companies like google to create a "seamless environment."

Jerry Yang, co-founder and CEO of Yahoo, expressed similar sentiments, and stated his hope that Yahoo's OneSearch feature will be supported on the iPhone soon. "Just think," said Yang. "It's basically like having a BlackBerry without the Exchange server."

Apple is also introducing accessories for the iPhone, including stereo headphones that include a microphone and switch and a Bluetooth headset.

The iPhone features a battery that lasts for five hours of talk time, video or Web page browsing, or 16 hours of audio playback.

"So what should we price it at?" Jobs mused. The price will be $499 with a two year contract for a 4GB model, or an 8GB model for $599. And it will be released in the United States in June. Jobs said Apple anticipates bringing the iPhone to Europe in the fourth calendar quarter of 2007, and Asia in 2008.

Cingular, the North American cell service provider that has sold iTunes-equipped phones from Motorola, will be Apple's exclusive service partner. "They are the best and most popular network in the country," said Jobs, adding that Cingular worked with Apple to develop the Visual Voicemail technology -- "the first fruit" of their collaboration, which required the development of technology both for the phone and network.

Stan Sigman, CEO of Cingular, joined Jobs on stage and said that his company is pleased to distribute "one of the most eagerly anticipated wireless products ever."

"This is not an MVNO," said Sigman, referring to a Mobile Virtual Network Operation, such as Virgin Wireless, Disney Mobile, Helio and others -- companies that buy bandwidth capacity on cell service provider networks and offer added value, such as exclusive handsets or content. "It's a unique relationship that lets Apple be Apple and Cingular be Cingular."

Jobs showed a slide that estimated the market for phones to be in the vicinity of 957 million units. "In 2008 we are going to try to grab 1 percent marketshare," he said. "We think we're going to have the best product in the world."

09-01-2007 21:06:24
Kalder de den iPhone ?.. Så kommer der 2 iPhones på markedet - forvirrende :o

Men det bliver spændende at se, hvad Apple disker op med :)

09-01-2007 21:47:05
3,5 " Multitouch farveskærm, 11,6 mm tyk, 4 eller 8 GB harddisk, 2 megapixel kamera og loaded med OS X :o (der må sgu' da ligge noget af et svin af en processor i den). Desuden fuld html kompatibel web-browser.

Den har desuden hverken keyboard eller stylus. Den bruger i stedet en patenteret trykfølsom skærm (Multitouch), der reagerer på fingerberøring. I følge Jobs, så er Multitouch langt mere præcis end nogen anden trykfølsom skærm. Den ignorerer ubevidste fingerbevægelser og kan forstå fler-fingre bevægelser.

09-01-2007 21:52:10
Prisen er i øvrigt ved launch $ 499 for 4 GB modellen og $ 599 for 8 GB modellen. Hvis det som sædvanligt svarer til en faktor 10 med danske afgifter, så svarer det vel til omkring 5000 kr for den lille og 6000 kr for den store.

Nu er dollaren heldigvis svag for tiden, så måske de bliver lidt billigere. Men hvis de kan alt det, som Jobs praler med, så er det IMO ikke afskrækkende priser i forhold til PDA'er og Smartphones. Den erstatter jo også lige din video iPod.

09-01-2007 23:37:48
Så er telefonen på apples hjemmeside med billeder og specs: http://www.apple.com/iphone/

Lidt senere skulle hele livepræsentationen blive offentliggjort som film her: http://www.apple.com/iphone/ke...

Senior Skribent
09-01-2007 23:43:51
Det kan godt være apple skulle rydde op i deres service ry inden de smider for meget på markedet.

09-01-2007 23:46:03
Det er 500/600 usd MED abonnement :S

Men det ser ikke særlige godt gennemført af Apple (er blevet announced før den blev godkendt til brug), og hele design øser mere af HTC eller Qtek end Apple :(

Og så har vi batteri tiden...

09-01-2007 23:47:15
Jeg har lige tjekket flash præsentationerne af telefonen ud på apples hjemmeside :p :f

Og det er hermed besluttet, at jeg ikke køber nyt hardware, før jeg har sparet sammen til en iPhone. Det er i den grad den vildeste og mest funktionelle gadget, jeg har set endnu... :D :e

09-01-2007 23:52:45
#6, ifølge specs, så er batteritiden fin: http://www.apple.com/iphone/te...

Technical Specifications
Screen size 3.5 inches
Screen resolution 320 by 480 at 160 ppi
Input method Multi-touch
Operating system OS X
Storage 4GB or 8GB
GSM Quad-band (MHz: 850, 900, 1800, 1900)
Wireless data Wi-Fi (802.11b/g) + EDGE + Bluetooth 2.0
Camera 2.0 megapixels

* Up to 5 hours Talk / Video / Browsing
* Up to 16 hours Audio playback

Dimensions 4.5 x 2.4 x 0.46 inches / 115 x 61 x 11.6mm
Weight 4.8 ounces / 135 grams

10-01-2007 09:45:04
#7 - Har så en dårlig nyhed til dig, ihvertfald efter hvad de siger på TV2News 27 gange i timen..

"Kan kun bruges i USA"

10-01-2007 18:42:21
#9, TV2 News kunne jo tage at læse, hvad Jobs rent faktisk sagde :00

"And it will be released in the United States in June. Jobs said Apple anticipates bringing the iPhone to Europe in the fourth calendar quarter of 2007, and Asia in 2008. "

Det fremgår jo ret tydeligt, at den skulle komme på gaden i Europa i slutningen af 2007. Den kommer bare først på gaden i USA. :)