hvor køber man denne

Diverse d.  19. februar. 2007, skrevet af allan_84
Vist: 244 gange.

19-02-2007 00:58:43
hvor kan jeg få fat i den her, jeg har søgt lidt på det, men kan ikk finde den på edbpriser elelr ved hjælp af google.

nogen der ved hvor man kan købe den eller nogen der har en liggende, kom gerne med tips.

Sound Blaster® Home Cinema Cable

19-02-2007 01:05:32
Ser det sådan her ud?

19-02-2007 01:10:02
ja det skulle jeg mene det gør.

(samme billede som i det link i #0)

19-02-2007 01:16:09
Den side jeg kom til indeholdt ikke noget billede - i så fald var det ultralangtid om at loade.. anywho, hvis du kan leve med 5.1 lyd fremfor 6.1 lyd, så google jeg mig frem til den løsning jeg ville bruge selv, nemlig 3 minijack til 2x rca (phono) kabler:

Lets keep things simple - heres what I did with my Audigy 2 to run two sets of 5.1 speakers. So uno whats going on, heres the 411 and how you can go about getting 5.1 surround sound on your home cinema amp and your speakers if you wish.

The green socket handles Front Left and Right channels
The black socket handles Rear Left and Right channels
The orange socket handles the Center and Subwoofer channels. On a 6.1 system like mine the plug will have three poles for an extra rear center but your only dealing with 5.1 so to keep matters simple well just assume it handles center and subwoofer.

My memory is a tad hazy on the Live! 5.1 cards but I think the center/subwoofer channel is also a digital output socket but I'm not too sure. Anywhere heres what I did.

Purchase THREE 3.5mm -> 2 RCA Jack Cables. However long they are depend on the distance between your sound card and receiver. If you wish to have your current 5.1 speakers running alongside your Home Cinema receiver, purchase three of those Ipod Headphone Splitters or a STEREO 3.5mm splitter (It's important that you get stereo otherwise you'll only get mono sound from a pair of speakers) and then place them in the Green, Black and Orange sockets.

Next, Plug your 5.1 PC speakers into one of the new sockets as before. Then fill the remaining of the new sockets with the newly purhcased 3.5mm -> 2 RCA jack cables.

On your home cinema amp locate a 6CH input

There will be 6 RCA sockets with each pair being labelled front, rear, and then maybe a center and subwoofer socket.

- For the cable running from the Green socket place the white and red plugs into the sockets paired "Front" (White is left, red is right).

- For the cable running from the black socket place the white and red plugs in the scokets paired "Rear" or "Surround" depending on your amp. Some amps like Harmon Kardon may colour the surround channels differently as opposed to red and white. If this is the case place the white plug into the Rear/Surround Left socket and the red plug into the Rear/Surround Right socket.

- For the cable running from the orange socket place the white plug into the "Center" socket and the red socket into the "subwoofer" socket.

- Turn on your amplifier and change to 6CH analogue input. Run a speaker test to ensure the cables are connected correctly.

An alternative would be to use the mini jack -> RCA or Optical cable to get digital output. This will place the burden on your decoder to decode the surround soundtrack, although overall sound quality should increase. However even the Audigy 2 has given me problems when using the digital output as I never get full 5.1 sound, and I cannot play EAX games or DVD Audio discs well using this format, which is why I stick to the tried and tested analogue method.

19-02-2007 01:23:29
det ved jeg godt man kan med alm 3polet mini-jacks, jeg ville bare gerne have mulighed for at udnytte alle kanalerne

så jeg skal bruge 2 ledninger med:
4polet mini-jack i den ene ende og 3*phone stik (RCA stik)

grunden til det er at jeg kommer til at skal bruge 7 kanaler måske.

19-02-2007 01:28:13
Var det ikke bare at klikke over på den danske web-shop ???


19-02-2007 01:43:55

he he, det havde jeg sku ikk set, det sku super.