forfanden #9 du skal sq da bare gøre sådan her!!! Calling a pure virtual function is a programming error, so you need to find the call to the pure virtual function and rewrite the code so it is not called.
One way to find a call to a pure virtual function is to replace the pure virtual function with an implementation that calls the Windows API function DebugBreak. When using the debugger, DebugBreak will cause a hard-coded breakpoint. When the code stops running at this breakpoint, you can view the callstack to see where the function was called.
Another way to find a call to a pure virtual function is to set a breakpoint on the _purecall function that is found in PureVirt.c. Breaking on this function has the advantage of keeping the stack intact so that you can trace what is occurring.
tager pis på dig. kan heller ikke fatte noget af det der..