Inden du rebooter er det også en god idé at slette alle temp-filer, ved at højreklikke på Internet Explorer - og vælge Delete under Browsing History, og Delete All (dine passwords du har indtastet og cookies der har gemt dem ryger osse, men du kommer sikkert i tanke om dem.
Derudover bør du (copy&paste fra
"Problems with the Temporary Internet Files folder
Tool: Command Prompt
If you're having problems with Internet Explorer, such as freezes or laggy behaviour, it's likely that the Temporary Internet Files folder is the culprit. If you've tried to delete files from there or even tried moving or deleting the entire folder itself this will trigger problematic behaviour in IE.
To resolve this problem, do the following:
1. Reboot your PC and make sure you don't open Internet Explorer or Windows Explorer, or anything which accesses them.
2. Go to Start>Run and type "Cmd" without quotes. This will open a Command Prompt.
3. Type "CD\" at the prompt (without quotes) to take you to the root directory.
4. Open Windows Task Manager (CTRL-ALT-DEL) and under the Processes tab highlight the Explorer process and click End Process. The desktop will vanish, but this is normal.
5. Go back to the command prompt, and copy or type the following text (with the quotes) into the command prompt and press ENTER:
del "%userprofile%\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5\"
6. Answer "Y" when prompted if you want to delete the file.
7. Go to the Windows Task Manager again and click on the File Menu and choose "New Task (Run)..." and type "Explorer" (without quotes) and hit ENTER. This will reload the desktop.
Doing the above will delete the Index.dat file which lies in your Temporary Internet Files folder and in doing so it will be recreated with the correct references to your cached internet files the next time you open Internet Explorer. Any strange IE behaviour should be resolved. If not, delete all your internet files by going into Internet Explorer>Tools>Internet Options and select the Delete Files, Delete Cookies and Clear History buttons, then retry steps 1-7 above again."