Hiho all. Thought I would toss up the steps I've followed for quite some time to pull my system back from the brinks of "--" and C1 system boot errors. I know it looks like a lot of hassel but it's better than having to go through RMA all the time which I know alot of you have done on the first instance of either error.
Anyway, here they are.
1. Shut down system and turn off PSU.
2. Press power button to discharge mobo
3. Jumper Clear CMOS jumper
4. Remove battery
5. Remove all memory
6. Let sit for 15-20min
7. Place 1 stick of mem in system in slot farthest from the CPU.
8. Replace Clear CMOS jumper.
9. Repace battery
10. Turn on PSU
11. Press power button. (if still getting "--" or 1d then "--" then shut down and reboot again. If still same then RMA)
12. If boot occurs (ie FF Led) then enter bios.
13. Load defaults, set date/time, set mem voltage to 2.1v
14. F10 save and reboot.
15. If boot occurs then enter bios, make all changes needed
16. F10 save and reboot.
17. If boot occurs (ie FF) then enter bios then shut system down via power switch
18. Place second stick of mem in second slot farthest from CPU.
19. Power on.
20. If boot occurs (ie FF) then hit reset to make sure.
21. If boot occurs then move on to allow windows to boot.
I have used these same steps countless times in my tinkerings where "--" and C1 has occured. Everytime I have come back from the dead.
Let me know if they work which I hope it does. If you find something else that works then by all means post that also.
Good luck and l8r
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