The kicker that this is a completely blind art - you've quite literally got to sit there for hours and tweak the nuts off the board trying combinations of GTL and Skew settings until you find something that works. You can calculate some of it, like the GTLs, but throwing all the elements in a pot will still require a considerable degree of discovery. However, as soon as you change the front side bus, memory timings, the CPU (no two CPUs are identical, even if you buy a "Q6600 G0"), the memory sticks (there are different tolerances between batches of the same product, never mind different products!), update the BIOS, or even if you're using the same board as someone else there's no guarantee that one set of settings will work on another board.
Jeg ved ikke om det er for at gøre det lettere eller mere besværligt - men jeg gidt godt nok ikke bruge en hel uge på at tweake en PC... det er livet sku for kort til.
Good ol' times of:
Chief-Engineer: Prime95 failed, sir!
Captain: Increase vcore!