Jeg er nede på 43,6ns på mit gamle Commando med 965 chipset, og selvom amd så vinder her er de jo stadig håbløst bagud i alt andet 😴
Ud over det skriver de i testen:
We had access to a 2.66GHz Nehalem for the longest time, unfortunately the motherboard it was paired with had some serious issues with memory performance. Not only was there no difference between single and triple channel memory configurations, memory latency was high. We know this was a board specific issue since our second Nehalem platform didn't exhibit any issues. Unfortunately we didn't have access to the more mature platform for very long at all, meaning the majority of our tests had to be run on the first setup (never fear, Nehalem is fast enough that it didn't end up mattering).
The motherboard implementation of our 2.66GHz system needed some work so our memory bandwidth/latency numbers on it were way off (slower than Core 2), luckily we had another platform at our disposal running at 2.93GHz which was working perfectly. We turned to Everest Ultimate 4.50 to give us memory bandwidth and latency numbers from Nehalem.
Note that these figures are from a completely untuned motherboard and are using DDR3-1066 (dual-channel on the Core 2 system and triple-channel on the Nehalem system)
Så lad os vente med at tro på alt for meget indtil der er nogle flere tests ude 🙂