"Exactly one week from today AMD is set to debut its RV770 chip and the first two cards hat will use it, the Radeon HD 4850 and 4870. While the former can already be bought in several areas and will be available in at least decent numbers upon release, the HD 4870 will take its time reaching consumers."
Årsagen er:
"The use of fresh and speedy GDDR5 memory will unfortunately see the Radeon HD 4870 hit the stores in limited numbers and later that desired - on July 8. As for the dual-RV770 Radeon HD 4870 X2, this one should be released around mid- to late August."
Så grunden til at det har været/er forsininket er simpelthen mangel på GDDR5 chips? Så kan det sku godt være Nvidia havde fat i noget ved kun at lave deres med GDDR3.