Asetek Kølehoveder til GeForce GTX 200

Litteratur d.  29. juni. 2008, skrevet af hamderD
Vist: 271 gange.

29-06-2008 10:22:07

Asetek er kommet med et kølehoved til NVIDIAs GeForce GTX 200 serie, der på nuværende tidspunkte består af GTX 260 og GXT 280 kortene.

Se billeder i link.

Asetek announced today the availability of its OEM-ready, LCLC liquid cooling solution for nVidia's new GeForce GTX 200 family of graphics cards. Asetek's unique liquid cooling solution provides nVidia's GTX 260 and GTX 280 products with higher overclocking potential for demanding gaming applications at nearly silent operation.

"We are extremely pleased to provide a single-slot graphics card cooling solution with no graphics fan noise." says Gary Baum, Asetek's Senior VP of Marketing. "Our thermal solution extends overclocking performance for the maximum PC gaming experience."

Asetek's highly integrated solution lowers the GPU temperatures found on the GTX 280 by up to 27 degrees, enabling it to run significantly cooler-critical in advanced gaming or graphics intensive applications. And since the Asetek solution is totally liquid cooled, OEMs can expect their units to run completely silent, except for the system heat exchanger fan that is 30 dB(A) quiet.

Asetek is the only liquid cooling company that provides rigorous OEM level reliability and environmental testing. Shock, vibration, and thermal stress testing assures a 50,000 hour operational lifetime with no end-user maintenance required.

Furthermore, as a single-slot solution, when used as part of a three-way SLI configuration, the LCLC product consumes only three of the six slots normally used, freeing up three slots for other configuration upgrades.

According to Martin Schousboe, Asetek's VP of Sales, "Premier OEMs throughout the world are choosing Asetek as the preferred thermal management solution for their advanced computing applications. This highly reliable, no maintenance system is ideal for OEMs looking for outstanding thermal performance with exceptionally low noise."

29-06-2008 10:34:47
Ligner noget mere "junk" til ders LCLC serie..

Men altid rart at se noget innovativt fra Asetek, men kunne godt bruge nogle "inside" billede af både deres CPU og GPU blok..