The Future of Solid State Disk Tech

Litteratur d.  10. juli. 2008, skrevet af comment
Vist: 260 gange.

10-07-2008 18:26:09
Solid State Diske (SSD) har bevæget sig fra at være nogle meget eksklusive, hundedyre diske til, på det seneste, at være kommet ned i et prisleje, hvor de fleste kan være med.
Argumenterne for diskene er bl.a., at de er strømbesparende og hurtige.

Men, måske SSD teknologien ikke er så revolutionerende et gode som den er hypet til?

ComputerWorld forsøger, i et interview med Joel Hagberg, Fujitsu's VP for business development, at kaste et mere nuanceret blik på SSD teknologien, dens anvendelsesmuligheder og dens fremtid. Sagen er nemlig at Fujitsu ikke udbyder produkter i dette segment og heller ikke har planer om det, inden for de nærmeste år.


"What is Fujitsu's position on solid-state disk?

There is a place for flash. Right now, that's random-read performance, such as relational database look-ups, tables, etc.


There's definitely a niche for flash, but how big is that niche and how quickly can solid-state disk manufacturers resolve the performance problems of solid state in sequential reads and writes as well as random writes is really a big gate to expand the market penetration of solid state.


So it's fair to say Fujitsu will wait at least two years before coming out with a line of solid-state disk drives -- other than NOR?

We do believe that phase change or other types of memory probably will replace the current generations of solid-state disk drives in years to come. The question is, the companies making a lot of hype with storage and server vendors right now with the announcement of solid state in their systems, can they over come the performance issues of writing? A lot of them are composing combinations of DRAM with battery backup in combination with NAND to overcome the write problems. So I think there will be solutions.

We'll monitor it and look at it from both an internal development perspective as well as with partners that we work with in memory technology to determine the right time to enter this market, but as you said, it's probably a couple years away before there will be mainstream adoption of this technology."
