Centrino 2 Unveiled

Litteratur d.  15. juli. 2008, skrevet af comment
Vist: 277 gange.

15-07-2008 16:38:04
Intel har i dag annonceret efterfølgeren til deres meget succesfulde Centrino laptop platform - Centrino 2.


"AN FRANCISCO, July 15, 2008 - Intel Corporation unveiled its Intel® Centrino® 2 Processor Technology products for laptops today, powered by five new Intel® CoreT2 Duo processors. Close to 250 innovative consumer and business notebook PC designs are on the way, including those equipped with the right combination of powerful processors, graphics and battery life to enjoy viewing stunning high definition videos and myriad other computer and Internet activities.


Formerly codenamed Montevina, Intel Centrino 2 processor technology and Intel® Centrino® 2 with vProT Technology improve upon every facet of a laptop's main features, including performance and battery life via new processors and chipsets, faster draft 802.11n wireless (with WiMAX arriving later this year), and new business-class manageability capabilities."

Intel's Centrino 2 press release er spækket med info om den nye platform. Læs videre, her: http://www.intel.com/pressroom...