CrossFireX Chipset Comparison

Litteratur d.  16. juli. 2008, skrevet af comment
Vist: 381 gange.

16-07-2008 17:06:58
Hvilket chipset spiller bedst, med CrossFireX? Det spørgsmål forsøger Legion Hardware at give et svar på med denne artikel, hvor de sammenligner CF-ydelsen på P35, X38, P45 og X48 chipsets.


"In fact the Radeon HD 4850 is so cheap that we have been tempted to set up a number of Crossfire systems. Past generation Radeon and GeForce graphics cards in my opinion, have left Crossfire and SLI support to the high-end cards. [...]

However the Radeon HD 4850 graphics cards are so fast that pairing two of them together does produce some very impressive results. For example, a pair of Radeon HD 4850 graphics cards in Crossfire mode are not much slower than a GeForce GTX 280 when testing with Crysis, while we found them to be much faster in other games such as Enemy Territory Quake Wars. Purchasing two Radeon HD 4850 graphics cards will set you back roughly $400 US, while a single GeForce GTX 280 costs $650 US, and even with upcoming price cuts reducing it to $500 US, it's still significantly more expensive.

Furthermore, we believe many gamers will also look to place a pair of Radeon HD 4870 graphics cards in Crossfire mode for ultimate performance. The only question remains, what chipset will you require to unleash the full potential of your Radeon HD 4000 series Crossfire configuration? It is well known that the Intel P35 chipset was pretty useless when it came to Crossfire performance, due to its PCIe 1.0 16x/4x card configuration. The new P45 chipset uses PCI Express 2.0 for twice the bandwidth and in Crossfire mode will run the cards in an even 8x/8x configuration.

All up we will be testing the Radeon HD 4850 graphics cards in Crossfire using the P35, X38, P45 and X48 chipsets, while the P35 and P45 chipsets will both be tested in 16x/4x and 8x/8x configurations. [...]"

Her er et billede, at savle lidt over:

16-07-2008 23:34:55
Nu kommer jeg da helt til at tænke nu når jeg ser sådan et billeder af alle de HD4850.
nu har jeg selv 2 stk HD4850 er det muligt at pare de to HD4850 med et ekstra HD3870?
Det er nemlig ikke pci-e 16x porte jeg mangler har 4 stk så det kunne jo være sjovt at smide sådan et ekstra kort ind i et crossfireX setup 🙂