AMD SB750 Sneak Peek

Litteratur d.  21. juli. 2008, skrevet af comment
Vist: 213 gange.

21-07-2008 16:00:06
SB750 er AMD's opdatering af deres SB700 chipset-arkitektur. Sigtet med optimeringerne i forhold til SB700 er især, at forbedre mulighederne for at overclocke AMD's Phenom processorer serie. Ikke så dårligt, for AMD-drengene og -pigerne.

Anandtech har fået fingrene i et Foxconn A79A-S, med den nye SB750 sydbro installeret - og har stykket en lille teaser sammen til os, inden de kommer med deres review i morgen.


"Our first AMD SB750 equipped motherboard arrived this weekend courtesy of Foxconn. We have been working around the clock to dispel or verify the rumors about how a simple update to the SB700 SouthBridge could unlock the overclocking potential of the Phenom processor series. It turns out changes to the SB750 are actually significant and include a new low level link interface that AMD has named Advanced Clock Calibration. Along with the new ACC technology is a significant update to the AMD Overdrive Utility and required BIOS code changes for this new interface to operate properly.

In fact, there are so many changes that we will be back tomorrow with a full review of this new SouthBridge, the technology behind it, and an in-depth look at AOD version 2.1.2. Also, we will provide performance results from a few different Phenom processors to indicate what works well and what does not when utilizing ACC. [...]"

I kan tjekke Anandtech's foreløbige OC resultater, ved at klikke på linket, neden for.
