GFX størelse er valgt på baggrund af " If you want a video card powerful enough to support a number of uses such as Blu-ray playback and gaming, you are primarily stuck to active cooling cards. However, this does not necessarily mean you need to compromise noise for performance. The Gigabyte 512MB GV-RX385512H Radeon HD3850 shown above is an excellent choice."
Quadcore: Har jeg ikke læst såå meget om, men de sluger en del mere strøm, så vidt jeg ved.
"As far as dual core processors go, you'll definitely want to stick to a E6400 or above. Anything under that will possibly result in some of the same issues I encountered with a couple of AMD X2 processors. As far as quad core processors go, yes you'll obviously be safe with any model you choose but no, they are certainly not required nor recommended for best playback."
Vista bliver pænt bashed, og har pt ikke hørt noget godt om Vista.
Når jeg er ude i så mange penge for en HTPC, vil jeg ikke ende i den situation at hardware sætter begrænsninger for billedkvaliten. Men ville da gerne spare nogle steder så den kan blibve lidt billigere og suge lidt mindre strøm og larme mindst muligt ;)