Vista Security: Completely Game Over?

Litteratur d.  08. august. 2008, skrevet af comment
Vist: 396 gange.

08-08-2008 20:55:09
Et par researchers fra hhv. IBM Internet Security Systems (ISS) og VMware Inc. har under denne uges Black Hat Security Conference i Las Vegas diskuteret konsekvenserne af nogle nye typer sikkerhedshacks, som gør det muligt at bypasse nogle af de sikkerhedsbeskyttelser Microsoft har indbygget i Win Vista. bringer i dag en kort artikkel, hvor de ridser problemstillingerne op og giver sikkerhedskonsulenternes bud på de mulige konsekvenser af de nye typer hacks.


"[...] These new methods have been used to get around Vista's Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), Data Execution Prevention (DEP) and other protections by loading malicious content through an active web browser. The researchers were able to load whatever content they wanted into any location they wished on a user's machine using a variety of scripting languages, such as Java, ActiveX and even .NET objects. This feat was achieved by taking advantage of the way that Internet Explorer (and other browsers) handle active scripting in the Operating System.

While this may seem like any standard security hole, other researchers say that the work is a major breakthrough and there is very little that Microsoft can do to fix the problems. These attacks work differently than other security exploits, as they aren't based on any new Windows vulnerabilities, but instead take advantage of the way Microsoft chose to guard Vista's fundamental architecture. According to Dino Dai Zovi, a popular security researcher, 'the genius [sic!] of this is that it's completely reusable. They have attacks that let them load chosen content to a chosen location with chosen permissions. That's completely game over.'


While Microsoft hasn't officially responded to the findings, Mike Reavey, group manager of the Microsoft Security Response Center, said the company has been aware of the research and is very interested to see it once it has been made public. [...]

These techniques are being seen as an advance that many in the security community say will have far-reaching implications not only for Microsoft, but also on how the entire technology industry thinks about attacks. [...]"

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