USB 3.0 Inspected

Litteratur d.  19. august. 2008, skrevet af comment
Vist: 247 gange.

19-08-2008 16:54:09
MaximumPC har en lille to-siders artikel oppe, hvor de - på pædagogisk vis - gennemgår de tilgængelige specs for den kommende USB 3.0 standard.

Info om (bagud-)kompatibilitet, overførselshastighed, trådløs USB, kabel-beskaffenhed, stik m.m. behandles i et letforståeligt (engelsk) sprog. Pics er der også blevet plads til.


"Like the upgrade from USB 1.1 to 2.0, the new 3.0 connectors and cables will be physically and functionally compatible with hardware from the older specs. Of course, you won't be able to maximize your bandwidth unless you're using a USB 3.0 cable with Superspeed devices and ports, but at least plugging a 3.0 cable into a 2.0 port won't blow up your PC.


It's true: USB 3.0 SuperSpeed will be 10 times faster than the 480Mbps limit of the 2.0 spec. The example Intel likes to give out when talking about the new speed is that transferring a 27GB HD movie to your future media player will only take 70 seconds with USB 3.0, while it would take 15 minutes or more with 2.0. Keep in mind that you're only going to be able to take advantage of this speed if your portable storage device can write data that quickly. Solid state devices will benefit most from the speed boost, while magnetic hard disks will be limited by their RPM and corresponding read/write speeds. Also, new Mass Storage Device drivers will have to be developed for Windows to take advantage of the spec.


The spec that Intel released mid-last week is only 90% complete. Ravencraft says that they expect the spec to be finalized by Q4 of this year. Hardware partners are expected to have USB 3.0 controllers designed by mid 2009, and consumers won't see the first end products utilizing the spec until early 2010 (though a late Holiday 2009 push for new products isn't out of the question)."

Read on, here:
19-08-2008 17:46:46
ser nice ud, godt med en reminder på det. og rigtig godt til dem som ikke kender noget til det 😉