Yup, udviklingsteamet bag FC2 er allerede i gang med den indleden fase med henblik på produktion af en tredie FarCry titel.
videogaming247 har en lille blog oppe, med citater fra screenwriter Patrick Redding, der - under sidste uges GC 2008 - bekræftede at Ubi Montreal så småt er i gang:
"'For us Africa still has a huge amount of promise,' Redding told VG247 at the German event when asked specifically if further Far Cry products will be set in Africa.
'There are still things we want to do with the African setting, and I think it's safe to say we'll continue to explore it.
That said, we might find something new and compelling about the Antarctic setting that wants us to make the next game there, but honestly, we're still at the preliminary stages.'"