har en lille notits oppe om PC Zone's anmeldelse af Crysis: Warhead. Anmeldelsen vil kunne læse i det kommende nummer af PC Zone (nr. 199), som vil være på gaden den 11. september.
CVG har plukket lidt i den meget rosende anmeldelse, og man må sige at PCZ er meget begrejstrede.
"One of the most striking things about Warhead is the way it shakes the template Crysis snowglobe and has its constituent parts drift and settle into surprising new patterns. In Crysis encounters with enemies were heavily cordoned off from each other, in Warhead anything goes.
It's a frenzy of intelligent and original level design, far away from the Far Cry model that Crysis aped [...]
Warhead honestly is the finest burst of action gaming released so far this year, and if you're canny then you'll be able to pick it up for a mere £15 from online retailers. It's a five hour tour-de-force that's plugged the holes in Crysis with diamonds."
PCZ tildeler Crysis: Warhead en score på ikke mindre end 92%.