ASUS Rampage II Extreme Retail Pics

Litteratur d.  17. oktober. 2008, skrevet af comment
Vist: 405 gange.

17-10-2008 19:22:30
Det er Hardspell, der har fået fingrene i et retail Rampage II Extreme (X58) mobo fra Asus.

Den endelige version af bundkortet ser lidt anderledes ud end de testboard billeder vi før har set ( ).

Hardspell laver ikke nogen egentlig test af mobo'et, men har lagt et omfattende billedegalleri af box, mobo, bundle og CF setup op på deres HP, sammen med en kortfattet tekst.


"It appears that the ASUS Rampage II Extreme motherboard we spotted last week has been an early sample that was designed for testing only. Today pictures of the retail version, the one that customers will see from now on appeared. The retail version of Rampage II Extreme will ship with a whole new cooling system, well known from various other Republic of Gamers mainboards, but different from the one we posted earlier. [...] I can only add the SupremeFX 7.1 sound blaster and the ASUS LED poster to our previous information of extraordinary features."


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