Russisk Holocaust?

Litteratur d.  26. december. 2008, skrevet af IgIbUu
Vist: 1441 gange.

26-12-2008 06:00:37
Hey, fandt den her post på et forum og lagde meget mærke til den første del af posten, den nævner en russisk holocaust hvor over 100 mil mistede gnisten...

jeg har aldrig hverken hørt eller læst om noget i den stil fra russernes side i så stort et omfang, og jeg kan ikke lade være med at spekulere på om der er noget om det, eller om det bare er en gut der lukker lort ud ?

anyway`s jeg poster her for at finde ud af om den er god nok eller om jeg bare er hoppet på den i bedste stil...

Hvis der er nogle der ved noget om det så post endelig et svar, måske med links`s til så man kan få lidt tal og kilder blandet samen med svaret

God jul og godt nytår herfra 🙂

Jeg ved godt meget af det er propaganda, men har der virkelig været en russisk holocaust? 😲


Surfage på 2008-12-26 01:26 CET:

Why do men like Michael Moore live in America? Why, indeed, do so many people who profess hatred of America live in America? This is one of those forbidden questions in politically correct public discussions, which include these other Verboten queries:

"Why are textbooks and documentaries ignoring the overwhelming evidence that communist infiltration of America during the Cold War was greater, not less, than anti-communists in the 1950s and 1960s thought?" or "Why are there no feature films about the greatest holocaust in human history, the extermination by communists of 100 million souls in the 20th Century?" or "What was the attitude of Leftist Democrat icons like Harry Truman, Hugo Black, Woodrow Wilson, Tom Clark (Ramsey's father), and LBJ toward civil rights before it was a vote-getter?"

No one is compelled to live in America. There is, in fact, a vast immigration problem that America faces: too many people want to live here. Just look at the miles of lines at the Mexican border. There is also a vast emigration problem that America faces: too few people want to leave here.

America and its liberty, which is the sole reason for its wealth and tolerance and compassion and safety, have been treated by the Left as another entitlement. They live in America; they enjoy the wheat, the oil, the cotton of the Heartland (aka "the colonies") and they constantly carp about how horrible it is here.

Then leave. The tens of millions who came to America a century ago faced horrible obstacles. Travel in steerage was crammed and miserable. Ellis Island was a holding facility filled with a bewildering variety of peoples and much apprehension by the immigrants waiting for a chance to live here.

Still they came. They did not just come, but they wrote home to Erie, to Minsk, to Sicily, to Budapest and said "Come! Come! Come, despite the hardship and the fear, to the land where men breathe freedom!" Across the Pacific, the same message was sent and was heard and was heeded.

America began a land with phone books filled with names like Chang, Chaim, Cuomo, O'Conoor and Castro. These people wanted to be in America. They wanted it so much that they risked everything for a chance to be here. None have chosen to go back to their native lands, although the journey back is far easier than the journey here.

By what right do Leftists like Michael Moore, Ramsey Clark, Jesse Jackson, Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin live in America? The world today is much smaller than a century ago. These Leftist America-haters could get on an airplane, land and sleep in a luxury hotel, and spend their lives venting their spleen at America from someplace else. Why don't they?

Why do they not renounce their citizenship, become citizens of France or Germany or Spain or Sweden, and live in nations that they believe are better than America? What do they insist on staying here, causing fights, cursing their countrymen, and creating misery and despair?

Leftists are to America what abusive wives, husbands and parents are to marriages: they are miserable, and they abuse those who live with them for all their miseries. They beat us. They insult us. They spew venom at us. They even help burglars, rapists and murderers who would try to break into our home and harm us.

Like some other bully in a family, who claims some pretext for her or for his violence and mistreatment of the rest of the family, these Leftists are the greatest and most flagrant criminals. They revel in their domestic abuse. They intimidate; they threaten; they curse; they accuse; they do everything except leave.
When one member of a family becomes so belligerent, so ungrateful, so angry, so disloyal and so unfaithful that she is no longer a real member of the family but simply a hostile stranger who uses the natural form of a home to exploit her family members, then the law allows this Potemkin relationship to be lawfully dissolved.

Are these indigenous America-haters entitled to more protection than that? When the planet is filled with people who would risk their lives for the opportunity to live in America, what right do the Sean Penn and Noam Chomsky types have to gobble up the blessings of citizenship? Why cannot the rest of us insist that they leave?

When mafioso used the privilege of living in America to hurt America, then they were deported. Why not say the sayable and think the unthinkable: Leftists, by and large, are not Americans. They are freeloaders whose rights are protected by young men whose blood is shed in the cause of liberty.

The way to sell this politically is to tie immigration to emigration. Have the first requirement for immigrating to America a genuine, demonstrable and clear commitment to America. This could be demonstrated by a period of service in an American Foreign Legion or by a battery of psychological tests or some other method.

Proficiency in English, knowledge of American history, and understanding of our political system would all be prerequisites as well. Find out which immigrants are coming to America for freedom and do all that we can to make room for them.

How? File civil actions against those Americans who patently believe that they live in a totalitarian state that never does anything right, etc. Require that the party sued by the government either agree that living in America is a blessing for which she is very grateful or pay her for her citizenship and send her to another nation, one which by treaty would accept ex-Americans.

Each American like Alec Baldwin who hated America should be divorced permanently and some frail lady from China or Peru or Egypt who demonstrates a real understanding and appreciation of America allowed to have Baldwin's citizenship. Let France have Baldwin and let America have poor people who wish simply to be free. The whole world would be better off.

26-12-2008 08:35:46
kommunismen sprang meget frem efter den russiske borgerkrig 1917-19 hvor de hvide(zar) og røde(kommunister) bekæmpede hinanden.
dødstal - Flere mill.
Da kommunisterne så har været ved magten kom de berygtede 5 års planer.
omfordeling af landbrug - hungersnød - flytning af hele befolkninger.
før 2 verdenskrig - udrensning af officerskorps (mere end 70%).
Slavelejre - Gulag i sibirien mv. under 2 Verdenskrig -12 mil soldater - 10 mill civile
anslået 1 mill jøder ,
(ved ikke om siden er korrekt )
andre tal (soldater - ikke civile )

100 mil er måske højt sat men det kommer da nok op på 50.

Men ja - en hel masse højreorienteret propaganda står der i ovenstående indlæg.
tydeligt en der mener at the "land of the free" skal være reserveret til folk med samme holdning som ham selv.

Edit - citat stalin :
Et dødsfald er en tragedie. En million er statistik.

26-12-2008 09:16:14
Nu mangler der bare et element for at det er propaganda. Udbredelse. En fprum-post kan næppe anses for propaganda. Derimod har vi andre fin-runet propaganda maskiner i danmark. Den største er nok DR..

26-12-2008 12:08:59
#2 DR er i det mindste bedre end TV2 :yes:

26-12-2008 12:18:43
Som #1 skriver så har sovjet udrydet næsten ligeså mange som der blevet slået ihjel under anden verdenskrig(inkl. jøder og andre forfulgte). Men fordi det foregik inden for de russiske grænser og havde andre motiver end race, så er det ofte noget der bliver overset.

26-12-2008 16:07:41
#4 ja langt de fleste af dem der "forsvandt" ned i KGB's kældre,
var jo såkalde landsforræddere, eller fjender af staten... som de kalder dem...
hold k*ft nogle paranoide regeringsledere de har haft 😲

26-12-2008 23:22:12
#5 nej magtsyge, problemet er at mange diktaturer formentligt har nogle meget kloge ledere, men de vejer deres egen magt højere end borgernes liv, og netop fordi de er kloge, så lykkedes det.

27-12-2008 00:03:42
#6 Nemlig. Dem der har så stor "succes" er jo ikke dumme.

Ser man bare på Hitler. Han var jo en !GENAIAL! herre. Han var yderst intelligent. Den eneste fejl han begik var at blive for magtsyg, så han begyndte at gabe over for meget ad gangen. Hvis han bare havde holdt sig til én front, så havde han haft en meget større chance for at vinde, men når man pludselig skal bekæmpe fjender på så mange fronter, så bliver det jo svært.

27-12-2008 12:15:51
#7 der er nogle der mener han var dødsyg, og derfor havde travlt. Men du har ret i at han var genial. Jeg tænker tit på at han faktisk samlede tyskland, og formentligt havde muligheden skabe et meget positivt eftermægle frem for at ende med at blive historiens største skurk. Men på den anden side så samlede han tyskland omkring nogle ekstreme idéer såsom jødehad, så måske var skurkerollen uundgåelig.

27-12-2008 12:19:37

ja hvis han nu bare havde droppet øst-fronten, og ladet de sk*de russere passe sig selv, havde han da fint kunne klare amerikanerne da de gik i land i frankrig,

men nej, som så mange andre folk med magt, er det eneste han vil have, mere magt, og det kan kun gå for hurtigt 😉