In Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey, as soon-to-be starchild Dave Bowman unplugs the last bits of its massive cybernetic brain, the insane HAL 9000 computer sings its way to oblivion: "I became operational at the H-A-L plant in Urbana, Illinois on the 12th of January, 1992. My first instructor was Mr. Langley. He taught me to sing a song ... 'Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do. I'm half-crazy all for the love of you.'"
That means Monday is HAL's 17th birthday. Even though the reformed supercomputer saves the lives of Dr. Haywood Floyd and crew in 2010 with a heroic act of self-sacrifice, HAL became one of cinema's creepiest and most effective villains as it refused to open those pod bay doors.
But HAL wasn't the first - and won't be the last - crooked pile of microchips. Here's a look at the birthday boy's comrades in computer criminality: ____________________________________________
Savner dog muligvis computeren fra Resident Evil - Den lille pige? og Matrix.. Men det måske bare mig, en computer der overtager verden og bruger menneskene som batterier.. Ah well.
#8 HAHA ja det er da nok den ældste computer i verden der stadig er i funktion.. seriøst jeg troede ik mine egne øjne da jeg så ham den gamle nisse bærer rundt på de der printplader og skifte transistorer rundt eller hva faen det var han lavede.