I har helt ret - jeg er åbenbart forkert på den.
Var helt overbevist om, at de nuværende PhenomII, havde AM3-understøttelse. Men det er åbenbart ikke tilfældet. Ret forvirrende. 😕
Taget direkte fra AMD's eget pressemateriale:
"Upcoming AM3 Phenom II processors:
The AMD Phenom II X4 940 and 920 processors launching in January are socket
AM2+ compatible and support DDR2 memory. However, in early 2009 AMD will
release its first AM3 Phenom II processors in both X4 and X3 flavors. These new
AM3 processors will be compatible with both the current socket AM2+ and the
upcoming socket AM3, supporting both DDR2 and DDR3. This approach allows
users, businesses, system builders and OEMs to migrate across memory technologies
at their own pace, when the time is right. AMD's approach continues to be one of
flexibility and compatibility to maximize platform longevity. In the current economic
climate, we believe this approach makes more sense than ever."
Det er altså kun de PhenomII-modeller, der kommer om en måneds tid, der både passer i AM2+ og AM3. :yes: