Ser faktisk rigtigt godt ud, men bare mange dårlige ting man har hørt om northQ igennem tiden herinde :'-(
Så ved ikke rigtigt, syntes selv jeg har lagt mange penge i mit system her til det nye build, så vil nødigt brænde hele skidtet af grundet jeg har sparet penge på en strømforsyning :no:
Syntes ikke det her lyder godt tilgengæld
"onwards and downwards I go. While I would like to say some good things about what is clearly a decent 500W design, the Black Magic 650W is not a 500W unit. But, I can't quite call it a piece of crap either. Still, with voltages going out of spec, the overrating, the loud fan, the questionable capacitors, and the blowing up in the hot box there's no way this thing isn't losing points here. Yeah, it aced the new overshoot tests and the ripple suppression was nice, but there's just not enough there to turn a turkey into a goose. However, I have tested units lately that did much worse, so I'll hand out a 5."
Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af hansen2605 d. 04-08-2009 15:08:10.