Physics vs no Physics

Benchmark/ OC d.  09. maj. 2010, skrevet af DEVIL_DK
Vist: 2277 gange.

09-05-2010 18:40:17
Hej jeg har lige installeret et 9800gt som Physics kort i min maskine.

test med 3dmark vantage

giver dette resultat

uden phy
total 14364
cpu 13104
Gpu 14480

Med phy
total 17192
cpu 33606
gpu 14785

ser det rigtig ud for mit sys
nogle der kender en god gratis måde at teste på ud over 3dmark eller en spil demo så man kan se irl forskellen ?

se mit sys i profil.
09-05-2010 19:05:53
cpu 13104

cpu 33606

Damn boy 😲

09-05-2010 19:29:34
Kan huske at Mirros edge gjorde et større nummer ud af deres physX implementering, men tvivler på det reelt giver tilnærmelsesvist så stor forskel i egentlige spil som du ser i 3dmark, du skal også huske at teste med applikationer der udnytter psysX systemet og ikke havoc da Havoc blot er cpu only, og dermed ikke udnytter dit ekstra gfxkort.

09-05-2010 19:49:02
Er der nogen som helst forskel IRL? Findes der ikke kun elendige/overflødige spil som understøtter Physics?

09-05-2010 19:50:18
mener da crysis gør??

09-05-2010 19:50:52
Havoc er ati´s "physix"

man kan vist ikke rigtig blande de to ting enten kør det havoc eller physx

09-05-2010 20:34:53
hmmm det er vist bare spild af strøm og ikke andet.

09-05-2010 20:38:19

Physx ;

Batman: Arkham Asylum Rocksteady Studios PC
Crazy Machines II FAKT Software PC
Cryostasis Action Forms PC
Dark Void Airtight Games PC
Darkest of Days Phantom EFX PC
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (GRAW2) GRIN, Ubisoft Paris PC
Metal Knight Zero Online (MKZ) ObjectSoftware Limited PC
Mirror's Edge DICE PC
Nurien Nurien Software PC
PT Boats: Knights of the Sea Akella PC
Sacred 2 ASCARON Entertainment PC
Star Tales QWD1 PC
Unreal Tournament 3 Epic Games PC
Unreal Tournament 3: Extreme Physics Mod Epic Games PC
U-WARS Biart Studio PC
Warmonger: Operation Downtown Destruction Net Devil PC


24: The Game
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

50 Cent: Bulletproof
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

1 A2 Racer
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

2 ACME Arsenal

Platforms: Xbox 360

3 After Burner: Black Falcon
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PSP

4 Agent Hugo
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2

5 Agent Hugo: Roborumble
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2

6 Alone in the Dark
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

7 America's Army: True Soldiers
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

8 Amped 3
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

9 Amsterdam Taxi Madness
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

10 Ant Bully

Platforms: PC Playstation 2 Wii

11 Armed and Dangerous
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox

12 Assassin's Creed
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

13 Assassin's Creed II
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

14 Astro Boy
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

15 Auto Assault
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

16 Backyard Wrestling
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

17 Backyard Wrestling 2: There Goes the Neighborhood
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

18 Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

19 Battlefield 1943
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

20 Battlefield: Bad Company
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

21 Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 2 Wii PSP

22 Ben Hur: Blood of Braves
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

23 Beyond Normandy: Assignment Berlin
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

24 BioShock
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360

25 Bioshock 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

26 Blacksite : Area 51
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

27 Boom Blox
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

28 Boom Blox Bash Party
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

29 Bottle Buster
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

30 Brothers in Arms: Road to Hill 30
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

31 Brutal Legend
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

32 Cabela's Big Game Hunter 2010
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

33 Carnival Games
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

34 Carnival Games: Mini-Golf
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

35 Cars
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PSP

36 Celebrity Sports Showdown
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

37 Company of Heroes

Platforms: PC

38 Company of Heros: Opposing Fronts
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

39 Conan
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

40 Condemned 2: Bloodshot
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

41 Condemned: Criminal Origins

Platforms: PC Xbox 360

42 Coraline
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii

43 Crackdown
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

44 Crash Nitro Kart
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

45 Dante's Inferno

Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

46 Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements

Platforms: PC Xbox 360

47 Darksiders

Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

48 Dawn of Mana
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

49 de Blob
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

50 Dead Rising
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

51 Dead Space
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 PSP

52 Deadly Creatures
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

53 Def Jam: Icon
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

54 Demon's Souls
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

55 Desperados 2: Cooper's Revenge
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC

56 Destroy All Humans! 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

57 Destroy All Humans: Big Willie Unleashed
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

58 Deus Ex: Invisible War
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox

59 Disaster: Day of Crisis
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Wii

60 Disney Princess: Enchanted Journey
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii

61 DJ Hero
Licenses Havok's: Cloth,
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

62 Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

63 EA Playground
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

64 Ed, Edd 'n Eddy: The Mis-Edventures
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

65 Emergency Mayhem
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii

66 Europe Racer
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

67 Evil Dead: Regeneration
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

68 F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

69 F.E.A.R. Files
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

70 Fable 2
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

71 Fallout3
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

72 Far Cry 2
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

73 Folklore

Platforms: Playstation 3

74 Fracture
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

75 From Russia With Love

Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

76 Full Spectrum Warrior
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

77 Full Spectrum Warrior: Ten Hammers
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

78 George of the Jungle: Search for the Secret
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii

79 Go! Sports Ski

Platforms: Playstation 3

80 Golden Axe : Beast Rider
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Behavior, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

81 Goldeneye : Rogue Agent

Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

82 Guitar Hero 5
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

83 Guitar Hero Arcade
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC

84 Guitar Hero III
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

85 Guitar Hero World Tour
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

86 Guitar Hero: Metallica

Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

87 Half-Life 2: The Orange Box
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

88 Halo 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox

89 Halo 3
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

90 Halo 3: ODST
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

91 Halo Wars
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

92 Happy Feet
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2 Wii

93 Harley Davidson: Race Around The World
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

94 Harley Davidson: Wheels of Freedom
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

95 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2 PSP

96 Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Wii

97 Heavenly Sword
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

98 Heavy Rain
Licenses Havok's: Cloth, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

99 Hellgate: London
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC

100 History Channel Civil War: Secret Missions
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2

101 History Channel: Battle for the Pacific
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

102 Hot Rod: American Street Drag
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

103 Hugo Bukkazoom!
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

104 Hugo Cannon Cruise
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2

105 I Was an Atomic Mutant!
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

106 IHRA Drag Racing: Sportsman Edition
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

107 IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

108 Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii PSP

109 Initial D: Mountain Vengeance
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

110 Iron Man
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Behavior, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

111 Iron Man 2

Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

112 James Cameron's Avatar: The Game
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

113 Jurassic: The Hunted
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Wii

114 Just Cause
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Xbox Playstation 2

115 Kane & Lynch: Dead Men
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

116 Killzone 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

117 Killzone: Liberation
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PSP

118 Knight Rider2 : The Game
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2

119 Knight Rider: The Game
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2

120 Left 4 Dead
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360

121 Left 4 Dead 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360

122 Lego Digital Designer
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

123 London Racer
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

124 London Racer 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

125 London Racer: Destruction Madness
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

126 London Racer: Police Madness
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

127 London Racer: World Challenge
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

128 Looney Tunes: Acme Arsenal

Platforms: Xbox 360

129 Lord of the Rings: The Third Age
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

130 Lost Planet: Extreme Condition
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

131 Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Behavior, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

132 MadWorld
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Wii

133 MAG: Massive Action Game

Platforms: Playstation 3

134 Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2 PSP

135 Marvel Super Hero Squad
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii PSP

136 Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

137 Max Payne 2 : The Fall of Max Payne
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

138 Medal of Honor Heroes

Platforms: PSP

139 Medal of Honor Vanguard
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii

140 Medal Of Honor: Heroes 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii PSP

141 Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

142 Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2

143 Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

144 Micro Machines V4
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2 PSP

145 Midnight Outlaw: Illegal Street Drag Nitro Edition
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

146 MLB Superstars
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

147 Monster House
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

148 Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

149 MotorStorm
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

150 MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

151 My Sims

Platforms: Wii

152 MySims
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Wii

153 MySims Kingdom
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

154 MySims Racing
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

155 NBA 09: The Inside
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

156 Necrovision
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

157 Need for Speed Undercover
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

158 Neopets Petpet Adventure:The Wand of Wishing

Platforms: PSP

159 Ninja Blade
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

160 Novastrike

Platforms: Playstation 3

161 NPPL Championship Paintball 2009
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

162 Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

163 Over the Hedge
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

164 PAIN
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

165 Painkiller

Platforms: PC

166 Painkiller: Hell Wars
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox

167 Painkiller: Overdose
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

168 Pariah
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

169 Perfect Dark Zero
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

170 Pitfall: The Lost Expedition
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

171 Planet 51
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

172 Power Rangers Dino Thunder
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

173 Prince of Persia
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

174 Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

175 Rainbow Six: Critical Hour

Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

176 Ratatouille

Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 PSP

177 Red Faction: Guerrilla
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

178 Requiem: Bloodymare

Platforms: PC

179 Resident Evil 5
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

180 Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

181 Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Wii

182 Robot Arena
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

183 Robot Arena 2: Design & Destroy
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

184 Robotech: Invasion
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

185 Room Zoom
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox

186 Saints Row

Platforms: Xbox 360

187 Saints Row 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

188 Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

189 Secret Service: Ultimate Sacrifice
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 2

190 Shadowrun
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360

191 Shaun White Snowboarding
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 2

192 Shrek SuperSlam

Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

193 Shrek SuperSlam
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

194 Shrek the Third
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 2 Wii PSP

195 Silent Hill: Homecoming
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

196 Siren: Blood Curse
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

197 Six Flags Fun Park
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Behavior, Physics
Platforms: Wii

198 SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Confrontation
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

199 Soldier of Fortune: Payback
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

200 Sonic Riders 2: Zero Gravity
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

201 Sonic the Hedgehog
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

202 Sonic Unleashed
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

203 Soulcalibur IV
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

204 Space Camp
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Behavior, Physics
Platforms: Wii

205 Spiderman: Friend or Foe
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PSP

206 SpongeBob's Truth or Square
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Wii

207 Spore
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

208 Star Wars: The Force Unleased
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

209 Starksy & Hutch
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

210 Stormrise
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

211 Stranglehold
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

212 Stuntman: Ignition
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2

213 Super Smash Bros.Brawl
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Wii

214 Superman Returns: The Videogame
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 2

215 Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow

Platforms: PSP

216 Teen Titans
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

217 Tenchu: Shadow Assassin
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Wii PSP

218 Test Drive Unlimited
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

219 The Ant Bully
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 2

220 The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 2

221 The Eye of Judgement
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

222 The Godfather
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Xbox Playstation 2

223 The Godfather II
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

224 The Godfather: Blackhand Edition

Platforms: Wii

225 The Golden Compass
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

226 The Incredible Hulk
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

227 The Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Behavior, Physics
Platforms: PC

228 The Lord of the Rings: Conquest
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

229 The Outfit
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

230 The Punisher (2005)
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

231 The Saboteur
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

232 The Simpsons
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Playstation 2 Wii

233 Thief: Deadly Shadows
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox

234 Time Crisis 4

Platforms: Playstation 3

235 Timeshift
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

237 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Xbox Playstation 2

238 Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

239 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Critical Hour

Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

240 Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Playstation 2

241 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double Agent
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Wii

242 Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Conviction
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360

243 Tonka Monster Trucks
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

244 Tony Hawk Ride
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Wii

245 Tony Hawk's Project 8
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

246 Tony Hawk's Proving Ground
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

247 Too Human
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360

248 Top Spin 3
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

249 Toy Story Mania
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Wii

250 Trash Panic
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

251 Tribes: Vengeance
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

252 Twin Sector

Platforms: PC

253 UFC 2009 Undisputed
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

254 Ultra Wheels Street Jam
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

255 Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Playstation 3

256 Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom

Platforms: Playstation 3

257 Up
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Wii

258 Urban Chaos: Riot Response
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox Playstation 2

259 Urlaubs Racer
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

260 Uru: Ages Beyond MYST
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

261 USA Racer

Platforms: PC Playstation 2

262 Wall-E
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Wii

263 Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War 2
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC

264 WarPath
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox

265 WET
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

266 Wheelman
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

267 Where the Wild Things Are
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3 Wii

268 Whirl Tour
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

269 Wolfenstein
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Playstation 3

270 World in Conflict

Platforms: PC

271 World in Conflict
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360

272 World of Zoo
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Behavior, Physics
Platforms: PC Wii

273 Worms 3D
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox Playstation 2

274 WWE Crush Hour
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2

275 WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation 3

276 WWII: Desert Rats
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: PC

277 X-Men Origins: Wolverine
Licenses Havok's: Physics
Platforms: Playstation 2 Wii PSP

278 X-Men: The Official Game
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: PC Xbox 360 Xbox Playstation 2

279 Zombie Apocalypse
Licenses Havok's: Animation, Physics
Platforms: Xbox 360 Playstation

Så physx gør ikke mig så meget 🤣

09-05-2010 20:40:47
mand det var mange med havoc, har alle amd kortene det ?

09-05-2010 20:41:53


09-05-2010 20:42:46
nice, det anede jeg ikke.

hvorfor er det så at folk siger at det er snyd hvor nogle har lavet en 3d vantage med phys og amd har deres eget ?

er det fordi at vantage er optimeret til phys el. noget i den dur ?

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af MuhammadMJensen d. 09-05-2010 20:44:09.

09-05-2010 20:49:56
forde 3emark ikke undersyøtter havoc men kun phy som man jo ikke kan bruge til noget, endnu et flop fra Nvidia LOL

09-05-2010 20:51:43
It run on CPU only at the time. There was GPU Havok project in 2006, called Havok FX, but it was dropped.
Recently ATI showed some demos running Havok on their GPUs but no game titles were announced.

Passer det?

09-05-2010 20:52:52
#11, ok derfor. Ja det giver jo mening så.

09-05-2010 20:53:11

Fordi at byrden for arbejdet alligevel ligger på cpu´en... Så det kan være det samme.... Physx er dedikeret til graffikkortet... Havok er cpu (på nuværende tidspunkt)

09-05-2010 20:55:11
#14, ok nice. Det vidste jeg ikke.

10-05-2010 00:50:05
PhysX (nVidia) er et alletiders eksempel på hvordan noget kan gøres mere revolutionerende end det i virkeligheden der. Især når der findes alternativer.

Det oprindelige AGEIA PhysX har, som sådan ikke ændret sig. Fordelen er blot, at man havde en dedikeret chip til beregning af fysikdelen. Meget lig det Devil_DK gør med sit 9800GT. Sagen er bare den, at nVidia så en god idé, købte en patent (PhysX) og gjorde den til "sin egen".

Til trods for, at der i forvejen har eksisteret et særdeles godt alternativ.

Lidt alá Samsungs måde at "patentere" LED-TV på. Der er andre producenter som laver LED-TV, men af en eller anden mystisk grund tror de fleste, at LED-TV er en tredje produktionsteknik der er alt andet overlegen. Ift. LCD og plasma.

Men sådan har det jo altid været. "Desværre".

Det eneste som jeg synes er træls er, at man er nødt til at vælge. Hvorfor ikke bare køre med en standard eller det bedste fra begge verdener?

Havok er, i mine øjne, PhysX overlegent. Af to, synes jeg, åbenlyse årsager:
A) Det er ligemeget om du har Intel, AMD/ATi eller nVidia i din computer.
B) Du låser dig ikke til et enkelt segment af grafikkort (nVidia).

CUDA er smart, ja. Men ATi har nu været med på noderne ret godt. Desværre er det bare ikke lige så gode til at betale sig til omtale som nVidia, der åbenbart mener at pengene skal lobbyere, frem for kvaliteten af deres produkter.

-> #0

Sorry for galde 😳

10-05-2010 01:01:29
Jeg har lige gennemført Mirror's Edge (igen 😛), og det skal siges, at patch 1.01 laver numre med PhysX.

Jeg oplevede, at spillet begyndte at hakke voldsomt hver gang "The Blues" var efter mig, da PhysX var aktiveret.

Det er et kendt problem, at patch 1.01 ikke har det helt godt med PhysX, men så voldsomt havde jeg ikke troet det var 😕

10-05-2010 01:54:45
#16 jeg vil give dig ret, men physx har mulighed for at slå havok i ydelse og kvalitet hvis AMD også fik det i deres gfx (yeah right) og med det er en dedikeret core og ikke CPU belastende som Havok. Men kan ikke lige se hordan det skulle lade sig gøre. 😕

10-05-2010 02:46:49
-> #18


At udviklerne er for dumme til kun at fatte nVidia er langt fra ATI's skyld. Eftersom ATi's design er mindst så skalérbart som nVidias, er der intet problem i at afvikle fysik på ATi's GPU'er... hvilket man jo så også har gjort. Op til flere gange endda.

nVidias taktik er PR, PR og atter PR. Dem der er for dumme til at fatte PR, får penge for at fatte PR og hovsa! Pludselig står der "The way it's meant to be played" i introen, udvikleren fik lidt penge under bordet og en god rabat på nVidia-hardware.

Hvad der er bedst, Havok eller PhysX afhænger 112 % af dem der skriver koderne til spillene. Om de bare er dumme eller er betalt for at være dårlige, har jeg ingen anelse om.

De har begge mulighed for at give en rigtig fed spiloplevelse og kan sagtens være lige gode.


Tjek evt. dette link: - og sammenlign (som det foreslåes) med PhysX. Det er muligt at jeg er lidt subjektiv, men Havok har altid fascineret mig. "Star Wars The Force Unleashed" har bestemt ikke skuffet på dét punkt.

PhysX låser dig stadigvæk til en enkelt producent af grafikkort og af hvad jeg hører (og det her er kun andenhåndsviden), så "foretrækker" mange programmører vistnok Havok. CUDA er dog et generelt godt og åbent tilbud.

Jeg har ikke en skid forstand på programmering. Men jeg bruger mine øjne, og af hvad jeg kan se (og hører), så er PhysX stærkt finansieret og ikke drevet af direkte udvikling. Igen, jeg aner ikke en bjælde om kode, men Havok er langt mere udbredt, nemmere at implementere og har generelt langt flere fordele.

PhysX, og det er ikke for at køre et hadetogt imod nVidia, er primært drevet af nVidia der skyder en masse penge i deres teknologi. Selvom den er gratis og stilles indbydende til rådighed, så er det fortsat en nVidia-teknologi og nVidia-only.

Se bare på 3Dmark. En latterlig begrænsning, synes jeg. Men man diskuterer jo heftigt om hvorvidt PhysX er snyd. Som jeg ser det, bør alle computerbrugere have de samme muligheder. Altså at afvikle fysik på CPU'en, GPU'en eller what-ever de har lyst til.

Jeg tror, at 3D-gaming bliver det næste store. Når man får modnet dén teknologi, skal vi finde på noget andet at bruge al vores ekstra regnekraft til. Mit gæt bliver realistisk fysik i en sådan grad at vi nærmer os 1920x1200 real-time raytracing-lignende grafik.

Min evige kæphest og tro ganger. Der er bare så mange fede fordele, når nu en gang regnekraften er der til det 🙂

Indtil da. Så lader jeg teknologi forblive teknologi og glæder mig over at kunne spille lidt på min PS3. Større er mit behov ikke. Men det er sgu lidt øv at se en fed computer blive brugt til tech-demoer, frem for at give brugeren en god spiloplevelse. Krydret med realistisk grafik.

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af NoNig d. 10-05-2010 03:01:51.

10-05-2010 08:44:17
såvidt jeg ved er metro2033 og stalker os physx spil🙂

10-05-2010 10:23:10
#19 meget enig langt hen ad vejen, men don't blame it on the developers! 😛

I øvrigt lidt forlængelse af physx: #65 i :

(sat lidt på en spids I know 🤣)

Mvh. Scheea 🙂

(får jeg ikke snart en Scheea smiley?)

10-05-2010 14:26:49
#7 Mangler du ikke en på Havok? ( 🤣 ) 😀

10-05-2010 15:03:08
-> #21

Det er altid de pokkers programmører, eller dem der betaler deres løn 😛

Så vil jeg også have en spamtrold-smiley.

Evt. uden skiltet:

10-05-2010 15:53:33

Kan du muligvis have ret i, listen er nok ikke 100% opdateret 😳


Er nok flere i sidste ende hvis man går længere tilbage 🤣