If you get an error like ID mismatch or Could not erase ROM, then you'll have to do some extra work in a Windows command prompt (or DOS): Run atiwinflash -unlockrom 0 followed by atiwinflash -f -p 0 bios.bin where bios.bin is the path and filename of the HD 6970 BIOS you downloaded
I navigated to my folder for atiwinflash and the new bios. I typed in atiwinflash -unlockrom 0 (then i hit enter), I then typed atiwinflash -f -p 0 xfx.bin (then hit enter). It flashed it immediately, then I rebooted and presto chango, I just got a 6970 upgrade free.
tror det her er løsningen... men fatter ikke hva han gør...
kan en oversætte det her for mig ? 😳