Okay jeg har siddet og kørt 3Dmark11 sammen med vennerne, og det giver altså ikke meget mening de resultater vi præsenteres for.
Min ven har dette setup med OC og får denne score i 3Dmark11
Det ser jo helt fint ud. Men så er det bare lige vi også har et andet system der godt nok køre stock hastigheder bestående af Core i7 870 2.93Ghz, 16GB 1333mhz cl9, 3x GTX 580 kort, og resultatet her er (sorry glemte screenshot)
3DMark Score P11995 ---------------------
Graphics Score 17061 ------------------------
Physics Score 6807 -----------------------
Combined Score 5758 -----------------------
GraphicsTest1 74 FPS -----------------------
GraphicsTest2 77 FPS ----------------------
GraphicsTest3 109 FPS -----------------------
GraphicsTest4 53 FPS ----------------------
PhysicsTest 21 FPS
-------------------------- CombinedTest 26 FPS
Som man hurtigt ser er de to sidste tests meget lave i forhold til det andet system, da disse to udelukkende er CPU afhængige (physics testen er IKKE physX!) Men det betyder så også at den samlede score faktisk er dårligere selv om Game test 1-4 samt graphics score resultatet viser markant bedre resultat 17'061 vs 13'295!
Et eller andet sted betyder det jo at man ikke kan stole en hujende fis på det 3Dmark11 spytter ud - for udmiddelbart er første system meget bedre da det har en bedre Performance score, selv om det andet system scorer højere FPS i game tests'ne.
Vi sidder lidt tilbage med tomme udtryk i ansigterne for det giver ingen mening 😐
Tråden blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Mekanikeren d. 17-06-2011 20:42:58.
Problemet er at Test 5 er yderst CPU følsom mens Test 6 er CPU krævende da den tager fysisk delen mens GPU tager nogle grafiske tiltag som volumetrics etc. Så er der bare det problem at 3Dmark11 ikke kan finde ud af GPU counts i test 5 og 6 og derfor sker det kun ved 1 GPU count selv om du måske har 2 eller 3 kort. Benchmarken kan ikke finde ud af det... løsningen er at købe skod programmet til $20 og opgradere til Advanced Edition, for så selv at kunne sætte GPU count manuelt under advanced og så virker det og du får en højere score. Sidder du med Basic er det bare bad luck, der er intet at ændre.
FM indrømmer selv problemer. This is a known issue.
Either disable the dedicated PhysX card or disable "legacy nvidia multi gpu detection" using SystemInfo diagnostic tool (details about the tool here: http://www.yougamers.com/forum... - ignore the rest, just run the diag tool and change the config by unticking the bottom left box (legacy nvidia multi gpu) and apply that)
The issue is that... - The "official new way of detecting SLI setups" fails on far too many SLI systems. Original SystemInfo that shipped with 3DMark 11 does it like this and SLI configurations just hung before Test 6. So we had to revert it back to the "legacy" method. - The "legacy way of detecting SLI setups" works, but it can't tell normal SLI from SLI that is in Single GPU mode (from NVIDIA control panel) or Multi-GPU config that has dedicated PhysX card. - Test 6 (combined) load changes with the number of GPUs. In order to properly render the scene with multi-GPU, each GPU must have a copy of the GPU physics simulation running on it (using Bullet/DirectCompute) - otherwise the physics code would have to shuffle data between GPUs and that would slow things down horribly. Hence the benchmark needs to know how many GPUs you have. - If Test 6 gets wrong number of GPUs (in your case, I guess it gets "3"), the number of DirectCompute simulations running is larger than the number of GPUs actually rendering the scene, causing notable performance loss.
The situation is not ideal, but luckily scenarios where multiple NVIDIA GPUs are present without all being part of a SLI config (2x/3x/4x SLI) are very very rare and there is a workaround. Hopefully one day NVIDIA SLI detection API (the new method) starts to work reliably so SystemInfo can switch to it and it can then detect also a config like this and figure out the number of GPUs that are going to be actively rendering the scene.