"For instance, to turn the computer on, user needs to say "MSI Big Bang Power On", and to shut it down the user only needs to say "Power Off MSI Big Bang" (in case of MSI's Big Bang motherboard). You can also "Open Control Panel", "Open Browser"
Syntes der mangler at man kan sige "STOP BSOD", eller "OC til 5Ghz" 🤣
Tråden blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Fonneren- d. 17-09-2011 20:56:33.
Ohh! Det he åbner helt nye muligheder. En ting er at kunne lave stemme kommandoer, men at lave dem direkte til mobo er for frækt. "Purge RAM, Bitch" "Increase Vcore Voltage by .05" "Max fan speed" osv. osv. 😀