kan se blizzard har lagt nogle koder op.
Cheat Code Constants
These are the Constants found within the Natives.galaxy file. This means that there is a cheat code corresponding to every Constant listed below.
const int c_gameCheatEventAny = -1;
const int c_gameCheatEventCooldown = 0;
const int c_gameCheatEventDefeat = 1;
const int c_gameCheatEventFastBuild = 2;
const int c_gameCheatEventFastHeal = 3;
const int c_gameCheatEventFood = 4;
const int c_gameCheatEventFree = 5;
const int c_gameCheatEventGimme = 6;
const int c_gameCheatEventGod = 7;
const int c_gameCheatEventMinerals = 8;
const int c_gameCheatEventNoDefeat = 9;
const int c_gameCheatEventNoVictory = 10;
const int c_gameCheatEventResourceCustom = 11;
const int c_gameCheatEventShowmap = 12;
const int c_gameCheatEventTechTree = 13;
const int c_gameCheatEventTerrazine = 14;
const int c_gameCheatEventTimeOfDay = 15;
const int c_gameCheatEventUpgrade = 16;
const int c_gameCheatEventVespene = 17;
const int c_gameCheatEventVictory = 18;
const int c_gameCheatEventProgress = 19;
const int c_gameCheatEventScene = 20;
const int c_gameCheatEventTV = 21;
const int c_gameCheatEventCredits = 22;
const int c_gameCheatEventResearch = 23;
måske lidt mere brugbart
Entry Location:
realmendrilldeep -5,000 Vespene Gas
tyuhasleftthegame -Disable victory condition
SoSayWeAll -Disables tech requirements
whysoserious -Gives 5,000,000 credits
jaynestown - ?
terribleterribledamage God Mode, invincibility and increased damage
eyeofsauron Opens cutscene menu
moredotsmoredots Units/Structures no longer cost resources
IAmIronman Upgrades Weapons, Armor and Shields by 1
Svaret blev redigeret 2 gange, sidst af Shadowhunter d. 15-12-2011 19:29:28.