Erfaringer med XFX teknisk support

Grafikkort d.  26. januar. 2012, skrevet af ostebaronen
Vist: 680 gange.

26-01-2012 21:16:43
Jeg har for noget tid anskaffet mig et brugt XFX HD5870 XXX, som jeg købte af en af mine venner. Da kortet larmer meget under belastning tænkte jeg at jeg ville skifte køleren til en mere lydsvag Accelero Extreme 5870.

Min ven, som jeg også havde købt det af, og jeg satte os og begyndte at pille den gamle køler af. Vi havde skruet alle skruer ud og de fleste thermal pads løsnede sig. Der var dog et enkelt punkt på kortet hvor det ikke ville løsne sig. Efter et stykke tid med vrikken frem og tilbage forsigtigt men med et fast greb gav det sig og køleren kom af. Til vores overraskelse sad der en komponent fast til køleren (se billed links nedenfor i samtalen med XFX support). Den var ikke til at rokke af. Det viser sig denne komponent er en spole som afvikler en del varme. Det stykke af køleprofilen denne spole sad direkte op ad uden nogen thermal pads eller andet imellem er malet med noget sort maling.

Det er første gang jeg oplever at sådan noget sker for os, og vi har begge skiftet original køleren ud på vores grafikkort før og aldrig oplevet noget ligende.

Jeg besluttede mig for at skrive til XFX's tekniske support, for de må da kunne svare på spørgsmål om hvorfor dette er sket.

Her er hvad der er sket i sagen:

[ 1/21/2012 10:10:49 PM] Hello XFX, I recently tried to change the cooler on this card to an Accelero Xtreme 5870 due to the original cooler is very noisy! When I took off the original cooler a component stuck to it. This component looks like one of the R23 resistors, but referencing to a picture on the Internet it isn't; it measures around 10 Ohm and has a capacitance of 10µF. Now what I find strange is that it had direct contact to the heat sink, unlike everything else having pads or thermal paste in-between. Also this particular part of the heat sink was painted black. The component, which is stuck, is most likely going to be stuck permanently, it won`t budge at all. I really like your products and my friends and I have been buying these exclusively because of the brand and the reputation, so please help me getting this problem resolved. I will also try contact the retailer to see if it is possible for them to help me. You can see the pictures of the problem here:

Best regards Tomasz Cielecki

[SHAUN_T 1/23/2012 10:38:27 AM] Hi Tomasz, thanks for your message. Unfortunately if a component has been removed from the graphics card, this isnt something that can be feasibly reapired. Also, tampering with the original cooling solution can also void the warranty of the product. Kind regards, Shaun.

[ 1/23/2012 11:08:23 AM] Thank you for your quick reply. But what still puzzles me what XFX would have done with the card, had they got this particular card in for repairs of some sort that required the cooler to be removed. The exact same thing would have happened due to the component being melted into the paint that coats the heatsink. As an engineer and computer enthusiast I have been replacing coolers on my graphics cards for a long time, and not once have I seen such a bad descision to not put either thermal grease or a pad between the component and the heat sink. Especially on a paint coated heat sink. Anyways, if you cannot do anything, I would like to know if you can supply me a spare of this exact component that is stuck to the heat sink, so I can repair the card myself? Or if you can supply me with information on what kind and type of component this is. Best regards Tomasz

[SHAUN_T 1/24/2012 4:17:13 PM] Hi Tomasz, thanks for the quick response. This isnt the information we have at hand so it isnt possible for us to send any spare components out. We are the technical support team so dont have any spare parts available. If a component has been removed or fallen off the graphics card, we cannot guarantee it will continue working for you without any problems. Kind regards, Shaun.

[ 1/24/2012 4:47:09 PM] Hello again, I have never experienced a graphics card where I could not replace the cooler. Do you personally think that it is acceptable to not be able to remove the cooler on a mid to high end graphics card, especially a XXX model, which is targeted towards gamers? Best regard Tomasz
[SHAUN_T 1/25/2012 10:58:00 AM] Hi Tomasz, thanks for your message. It isnt what I think personally, there isnt anything I can do, because this is the XFX warranty policy Im afraid. If there is anything else we can help with, let us know. Thanks, Shaun.

[ 1/25/2012 11:03:34 AM] Hello again Shaun, I would appreciate if you could provide me information about that specific component, so I can get a replacement and repair it myself (don`t worry I have the tools to do this repair). As the component is stuck permanently to the cooler and no force is making it come off I cannot find out what it is. Also the pictures I have found on the Internet do not have a high enough resolution to be able to see the writing on the component. Best regards, Tomasz
[SHAUN_T 1/26/2012 9:47:55 AM] Hi Tomasz, thanks for your message. Unfortunately, we do not have the information about specific components at hand, so we are unable to provide this to you. If you do wish to go about trying to repair the graphics card this would be at your own risk and responsibility, but it is likely to be unrepairable unfortunately. Kind regards, Shaun.
[ 1/26/2012 11:15:09 AM] How about XFX repaired it for me, what would that cost and is that possible? Best regards Tomasz

[SHAUN_T 1/26/2012 11:25:03 AM] Hi Tomasz, thanks for your message. Im afraid XFX do not offer a repair service, so this isnt going to be possible unfortunately. Kind regards, Shaun.
[ 1/26/2012 12:02:08 PM] Also please answer me this question: Is it on purpose that XFX have designed this part of the cooler to be painted and then placed directly in contact with a component, which obviously gets too hot for the paint to hold its solid shape, so that it melts on to the component and when cools of making it stick permanently to the cooler?

[SHAUN_T 1/26/2012 1:10:08 PM] Hi Tomasz, thanks for your message. The fan is designed specifically for the graphics card and to keep it cool. We have not heard any other instances of this happening so it isnt a known issue. As I said, the fan is designed to keep the card cool so nothing should be melting. Kind regards, Shaun.
[ 1/26/2012 1:19:59 PM] So you are telling me that if it is not an known issue, it must have been a production error? Best regards, Tomasz

[SHAUN_T 1/26/2012 2:41:22 PM] Hi Tomasz, thanks for your message. No this would not indicate any kind of production error. The components dont fall off or melt on to fans for example, this component is likely to have been caught when the fan was removed. Kind regards, Shaun.
[ 1/26/2012 3:21:04 PM] If you take a look at picture two I provided:
The part of the cooler where the component is stuck to (in the center of the picture), the heat sink is painted black. This part of the heat sink is plain. The top face of the component is plain. Melting point of paint is just about 300 degrees F. I have discovered that this component is a 1005R1 R15 choke, which according to the datasheet can become this hot. Hence XFX might made a mistake placing this component directly in contact with the paint coated heat sink.

[ 1/26/2012 3:33:43 PM] If you take a look at that picture again:
You can see, there`s air around it on all sides - so where would it get stuck? There is only one place it would "get stuck", and thats on top of it. So either the paint has melted or some kind of adhesive have been used!

[TONY 1/26/2012 3:44:06 PM] HI, simple answer is that you should not have removed cooler if still under warranty with your dealer. You must accept reponsibility if you attempt to modify the card. Sorry we cannot help here. Best Regards.Tony

[ 1/26/2012 4:39:32 PM] If you could be so kind to answer my questions as to why that component is stuck to that cooler. I am aware of that I had removed the cooler while the graphics card was still under warranty. This does not mean that the component should be stuck/glued/melted to heat sink in the first place. Best Regards, Tomasz
[TONY 1/26/2012 5:14:43 PM] Hi, we cannot be sure why the component was stuck to the cooler, we do not disassemble AMD-built products. Best Regards. Tony

[ 1/26/2012 8:04:18 PM] If you, XFX technical support cannot answer these technical questions about your own products, could you please find someone who can? I would assume that not heard of this problem before means that this specific card was having this flaw to begin with, and would under all circumstances have this component break off the print due to it being stuck to the heat sink. Best Regards. Tomasz

Min oplevelse ud fra den support XFX har givet mig er: De vil ikke svare på direkte spørgsmål, de behandler folk som om de ikke ved en skid, de prøver at fralægge sig alt ansvar overhovedet og taler udenom problemet hele tiden.

Jeg vil mene at man på et high-end grafikkort skal kunne skifte sin køler uden at der hænger en komponent fast på kortet, ligemeget om det bryder garantien eller ej. Det må bare ikke ske!
26-01-2012 21:18:10
Lige et billede af komponenten på fra et andet reference kort. Det er sådan den skal se ud når den sider på kortet:

26-01-2012 21:27:17
Hvis du skal bruge et reserve kort til dele så har jeg et dødt HD570 til at ligge du kan købe billigt 🙂

Men tilbage til topic.

Det er ikke første gang jeg høre om at deres support er lidt fesen.

26-01-2012 21:40:01
Jeg har bestilt en sample med de spoler direkte fra producenten. Så det skal nok lykkes at sætte den på og få en anden køler på. Men jeg er stadig ikke tilfreds med den behandling de har givet mig.

26-01-2012 21:59:24
Du har pillet ved køleren, og det er ingen hemmelighed at det afskriver garantien øjeblikkeligt.

Du har efter min overbevisning ingen krav på hjælp fra XFX. Og det er det han diplomatisk prøver at forklare dig.

26-01-2012 22:06:14
Det er jeg godt klar over, men jeg vil gerne have forklaret hvorfor at komponenten sidder fast på køleprofilen. Det er jo åbenlyst at det er noget den ikke skal normalt.

27-01-2012 00:15:14
Måske var det en fejl. Ikke desto mindre, er de ikke obligeret til at yde assistance.

Egentlig synes jeg ikke XFX var så slemme.

27-01-2012 07:42:32
Selvfølgelig skal man kunne pille standard køleren af, især når de larmer så stygt som de gør.

Og selvfølgelig ryger garantien når man piller køleren af - men jeg har aldrig oplevet at en komponent er limet sammen køleren. Aldrig. Jeg tror simpelthen at der har mangler en kølepude (thermal pad) oven på den komponent.

"Sjovt" hvordan de gang på gang undgår at besvare et direkte spørgsmål. Og lidt skræmmende at de ikke kan svare på spørgsmål om deres egne produkter :no:

27-01-2012 12:22:28
#5 Det er da uden tvivl en fejl, at en komponent sidder bedre fast på køleren end på printet. Desværre en fejl XFX ikke skal hjælpe dig med at rette.

Positivt, er jeg overbevist om at det virker, når du har loddet en ny på.