Corsair Force 3 series questions.. ???

Corsair d.  01. februar. 2012, skrevet af Fearless Angel
Vist: 792 gange.

01-02-2012 15:18:18
Hi, i am new in the SSD part of the hardware world.

My isue is, i got a broken, or semi broken Raptor 10k rpm HDD for my C: drive atm.

And i migth be replacing it soon, and proberly with a SSD in 60-240gb range.(proberly 90-180gb)

Anyways, i hear from all around that theres a lot of isues regarding the newest Sandforce controlers,
(SandForce® SF-2281)

My Question is, are your SSD´s with this controler 100% free of problems or do i risk having to RMA the drive or have isues with the drive almost out of the box.

Like i heard about a lot of problems with the sandforce driven SSD´s but it seems its very random who gets them, and since my Sata Controler/Mortherboard isnt the newest and i dont feal like replacing that right away, then i really wanna know if i can find a Corsair drive that are (problem free) even on my sata2 or marvel sata3 controled X58 mortherboard.

So Is it safe to buy a Corsair SSD atm, or will i find manny isues on your homepages forum regarding thease drives ?

This is the drive i am looking at atm.
but it could be the 90 or 120gb i end up buying tho.

Tråden blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Fearless Angel d. 01-02-2012 15:19:02.
01-02-2012 16:05:43
I can't give a 100% guarantee as there are so many factors, and it's often not the fault of the SSD (though it does always get blamed!). But in general I'd say you won't have any problems. Performance Pro is another option for you, as this uses the Marvell controller.

You won't get the maximum speeds on a Marvell SATA 3 controller, but the F3 will most likely max your SATA II controller, and it will still be hugely faster than a 10k Raptor.

01-02-2012 16:57:17
Just bought 2 x Corsair Force 3 SSD's from a guy who has been running 'em for about a half a 4-5 months in Raid 0 and haven't had a single issue. I'm currently doing the same and gotta say they are amazing. 😲

01-02-2012 17:55:31
In my new computer I also run with a small Corsair FOrce 3 SSD. I havent had it for a long time, but so far they're doing great :)

I've read that the Force Series 3 and Force GT Firmware Update Ver 1.3.3 was good :)

Svaret blev redigeret 1 gang, sidst af Joehandsome d. 01-02-2012 17:55:49.