eVGA kortet kører med 797MHz, Gigabyte kortet med 795MHz.
Jeg skal vel bare overclocke dem op til samme værdi, f.eks. 800MHz, eller hvad?
Jeg har allerede eVGA-kortet, Gigabyte kortet kommer snart hjem via udlandsdanskere - det var det GTX580 som lignede eVGA-kortet mest, så det valgte de til mig 😲 ...nu er jeg bare nervøs for at der skulle være nogle uforudsete problemer i at køre dem i SLI 😕
#1 Tak, tom81, som altid et klart og koncist svar fra dig 🙂 Har dog et opklarende spørgsmål: skal de indstilles til samme MHz eller kan jeg bare proppe dem i og vupti - SLI?
Can I mix and match graphics cards that have different GPUs?
No. For example, an XXXGT cannot be paired with a XXXGTX in an SLI configuration.
Can I mix and match graphics cards from different manufacturers?
Using 180 or later graphics drivers, NVIDIA graphics cards from different manufacturers can be used together in an SLI configuration. For example, a GeForce XXXGT from manufacturer ABC can be matched with a GeForce XXXGT from manufacturer XYZ.
Can I mix and match graphics cards is one of them is overclocked by the manufacturer?
Yes. A GeForce XXXX GTX that is overclocked can be mixed with a standard clocked GeForce XXXX GTX.
Can I mix and match graphics cards with different sizes of memory?
When purchasing a second graphics card, you should try to match the memory size so that you are ensured full value and performance from your purchase. However, while it is not recommended, NVIDIA does offer the flexibility to run graphics cards with different sized memory by using CoolBits. Using CoolBits (value set to 18), you can force both of the cards to use the lower of the two memory sizes and operate them together in SLI mode. When dissimilar memory sizes are enabled to work together using CoolBits, the effective memory size for each card becomes the smaller of the memory sizes.
#10 Ja, den fandt jeg også 😳 Jeg nåede bare at panikke lidt, før jeg fik googlet det ordentligt 🙂 Men igen - tak for oplysningerne, meget brugbare :yes: