3570K da jeg aldrig vil anbefale nogen at købe en cpu hvor afløseren er kommet.
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Her er konklusion fra Bit-Tech:
Despite the higher-than-expected cost and higher operating temperatures, the Core i5-3570K is a worthy successor to the Core i5-2500K. It's noticeably faster, more power efficient, has a more powerful IGP and combined with a Z77 chipset motherboard, will offer far more features too.
Fra XBitLab
No doubt, the new Ivy Bridge is an evolutionary step forward. Although no one promised any significant performance differences from the predecessors, Intel engineers managed to ensure a pretty significant, almost 10% performance gain compared with the previous-generation CPUs. Of course, it is achieved not only with microarchitectural improvements, but also with higher clock frequencies. But it is not a big deal, since the new third-generation Core processors aren't any pricier than the Sandy Bridge products, which the new processors came to replace.
Based on these early numbers, Ivy Bridge is pretty much right where we expected it on the CPU side. You're looking at a 5 - 15% increase in CPU performance over Sandy Bridge at a similar price point. I have to say that I'm pretty impressed by the gains we've seen here today. It's quite difficult to get tangible IPC improvements from a modern architecture these days, particularly on such a strict nearly-annual basis. For a tick in Intel's cadence, Ivy Bridge is quite good. It feels a lot like Penryn did after Conroe, but better.
Nyt er ikke altid bedre end gammelt, men i hardwareverdenen er det mig bekendt ikke sket at en ny cpu eller grafikkort har leveret dårligere ydelse end forgængeren. Men ret mig endelig hvis jeg tager fejl.
3570K - 1.740 vs 2550K - 1.639
3570K yder bedre end 2550K, koster stort set det samme og 3570K har flere features. Så hvad er din pointe i #11 mht. SB vs IB?