EDIT: Kan se det er det du har prøvet, sikker på du har gjort det rigtigt? Det løste mit problem nemlig
Enable overdrive
create a profile in CCC and save it, but do NOT activate
c:\users\<user name>\appdata\local\ati\ace\profiles [must have show hidden files on]
open the .xml with the same name as the profile created
make the following changes
Feature name="CoreClockTarget_0"
Property name="Want_0" value="40000" [previous should be "15700"]
Feature name="MemoryClockTarget_0"
Property name="Want_0" value="90000" [previous should be "30000"]
Save and close file
now by going in CCC and activating the profile the idle speeds should be 400 and 900 instead of 157 and 300
this will marginally increase idle temps
Eller du kunne bare køre fuld hammer hele tiden, selvom kortet ikke rigtig laver noget, så er du ihvertfald fri for problemerne ved at det clocker op og ned.