"AMD's next-generation FX series processors may be just around the corner, but OC feats around its flagship model, the FX-8350, are already beginning to take shape. Chinese overclocker Ma Yuchuan (???) achieved 7.443 GHz with the FX-8350, except with just one of its four modules enabled (two cores). The clock speed of 7443 MHz was set with a base clock of 244.3 MHz, and multiplier of 30.5X. A core voltage of 1.968V was used, and the chip was cooled with liquid nitrogen. 8 GB of dual-channel DDR3-1600 MHz memory by Patriot was used, and seating it all was Gigabyte 990FXA-UD7 motherboard."
Til gengæld er prisen interessant. Den skulle ifølge flere kilder kun koste 199$...rundt regnet 13-1500 herhjemme, når prisen har stabiliseret sig efter en måned eller to.
#3 alle fire? Den har da otte kerner. Mon ikke den i det mindste med alle kerner aktiveret på standard hastighedenden kan rende de 4 Ghz. Om det også vil gælde hastigheden på 4.2 Ghz med Turbo Core aktiveret er endnu uvist.